Dashchan Extensions

This repository is designed to store Dashchan extensions source code and themes.

The source code is available in specific branch for every extension.

Use git clone -b %CHAN_NAME% https://github.com/Mishiranu/Dashchan-Extensions to clone specific branch.

Video player libraries extension is located in the neighboring repository.

General dependencies: Public API, Static Library.

Building Guide

  1. Install JDK 8 or higher
  2. Install Android SDK, define ANDROID_HOME environment variable or set sdk.dir in local.properties
  3. Install Gradle
  4. Run gradle assembleRelease

The resulting APK file will appear in build/outputs/apk directory.

The API library may be updated. Use gradle --refresh-dependencies assembleRelease to build, then.

Build Signed Binary

You can create keystore.properties in the source code directory with the following properties:
