
A maven plugin that waits for an http resource to be available

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Maven wait plugin

A maven plugin that waits for an http resource to be available.

It will fail the build if the wanted resource isn't available within a time limit.


Specify the url and call the plugin during your build.

There is one goal. Maven requires you to call it explicit.



The url where an http resource should be available.



The time in milliseconds to wait for a resource.



The headers you want to set. Multiple headers are supported. Specify each header in a headers section.

This example specifies one header.

    <applicationId>Acceptance test</applicationId>


Here is a complete example where we are waiting for a resource to appear at http://localhost:4040//geo/rest/v1/gata, allow 1000 milliseconds before a timeout and set the header applicationId to Acceptance test

                    <applicationId>Acceptance test</applicationId>

Skip waiting

Skip waiting by setting http.wait.skip to true


or by passing


when running Maven.

Waitable Status Codes

By default, this plugin waits as long as a 404 response status code is returned. You can configure additional status codes on which the plugin should wait via the waitableStatuses configurable element:


This will not append to the default of waiting on 404 responses, so you will need to deliberately specify that here if you wish to continue waiting on such a response status code.


Instructions are available in release.md and at Sonatype