is a GlobaLeaks instance that provides secure and anonymous communication between whistleblowers and journalists from Republic of Moldova.

This repository provides the instructions and the asset files for setting a custom homepage for a GlobaLeaks instance.

Setting a custom homepage in Globaleaks 3.x

Globaleaks version 2.x used to offer a mean to set a custom homepage (or custom content, for that matter) from the administration panel. With version 3.x, this functionality has changed to provide more flexibility; the latest versions of the platform allows further customization through user-provided CSS and JavaScript files that are automatically loaded in every GlobaLeaks page.

Mainly, there are two approaches for adding new content or setting your own homepage in GlobaLeaks 3.x:

  1. Modify the default page by manipulating the DOM through the custom script.
  2. Build a separate HTML page, upload it on the platform then use redirects using the custom script to set it as the landing page. This is the method currently employed in Anonim. For more details please have a look at the commented code of Anonim's custom script.

While the first method allows to integrate your own content with the GlobaLeaks submission forms within the same page, it is prone to break if elements/attributes are being changed in future releases of Globaleaks, thus the second approach is always prefered.

Critical security aspects to be looked for

Since anonymity is the top priority for GlobaLeaks instances, every single asset used by a deployment must be served from the instance's host system. That means that under no condition should resources that are automatically requested by the browser (such as CSS/JS files, images, fonts and so on) be served from other domain/IP address/CDN.

The right way to do it is to download the resource locally, upload it on the instance then link it in your pages using a relative href (e.g /s/header_image.png).

Steps to replicate the deployment of

On a fresh Ubuntu box (version 18.04 preferred) do the following:

  1. Install a fresh instance of Globaleaks using the official documentation; mainly it consists of issuing the following commands with root privileges:
root# wget
root# chmod +x
root# ./
  1. Set up the platform and the administrator user by accessing the addres located at http://[ip_address]:8082/ the follow the steps provided (the so-called wizard);

  2. Log in to the administration panel (located at http://[ip_address]:80/admin) and upload the following assets, as follows:

    • files under assets/files to Site settings > Files
    • custom.js, favicon.ico to Site settings > Theme customization
    • logo.png to Site settings > Main configuration > Logo
  3. As the homepage (located at /s/index.html) is set using a redirect, when accessing the platform, the default GlobaLeaks landing page will be shown for a second or so. In order to hide this visual inconsitency, it is required to directly edit the file /usr/share/globaleaks/client/index.html from the command line and add a hidden tag to the body element like so:

root# cd /usr/share/globaleaks/client/
root# vim index.html
# inside the editor change <body> to <body hidden>
(save and exit)
# gzip the index file in order to apply changes
root# gzip -k -f index.html

The 4th step must be applied after every platform update using the apt tool from the command line.