
CS229 Final Project - Software Classification using NLP

Primary LanguagePython

CS229 Final Project: Software Classification using NLP


Install Dependencies

Create a virtual environment and install the requirements.

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install Rust

On Linux and macOS, run the following command in your terminal. On Windows, download and run the executable from here.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Compile Markdown Normalizer

The markdown normalizer is written in Rust, so you need to compile it before using it. On a virtual environment, run the following commands:

cd md2txt
maturin develop --release

(If you get an error, especially on Windows, try maturin develop --release -i python).

If you do not want to use a virtual environment, you can install the md2txt package using globally by running:

chmod +x install_rust_backend.sh

Generate Tokenizer

A pre-trained tokenizer is already provided in this repository. If you want to generate a new tokenizer, run the following command:

python generate_tk.py


There are three possible models to train: logistic, nn, and bert. To train a model, run the following command:

python train.py -m <model> -d <device> -n <num_epochs>

where <model> is one of logistic, nn, or bert, <device> is the device to use (either cpu or cuda), and <num_epochs> is the number of epochs to train the model for. For example, to train a logistic regression model on the GPU for 200 epochs, run:

python train.py -m logistic -d cuda -n 200

There are additional flags provided:

  • -fc: If set, the trainer will clean the cached preprocessed data.
  • -fd: If set, the trainer will re-download the dataset.

The trained model will be saved in the .cs229_cache/snapshots directory. Training curve will be saved in runs directory and can be viewed using TensorBoard.


To evaluate a model, run the following command:

python evaluate.py -m <model> -d <device> -c <checkpoint>

where <model> is one of logistic, nn, or bert, <device> is the device to use (either cpu or cuda), and <checkpoint> is the path to the saved model to evaluate. For example, to evaluate a logistic regression model on the GPU using the checkpoint logistic_200.pt, run:

python evaluate.py -m logistic -d cuda -c .cs229_cache/snapshots/logistic_200.pt

Evaluation result will be saved in runs directory, and can be viewed using TensorBoard Text tab.


We also included an LSTM model, but it is not used in the final report. To train the LSTM model, run:

python train.py -m lstm -d cuda -n 200

We did not include LSTM since its performance is not as good as the other models, due to our small dataset size.