
A pure Rust PLONK implementation using arkworks as a backend.

Primary LanguageRustMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


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This is a pure Rust implementation of the PLONK zk proving system


use core::marker::PhantomData;

use ark_bls12_381::{Bls12_381, Fr as BlsScalar};
use ark_ec::twisted_edwards_extended::GroupAffine;
use ark_ec::{AffineCurve, PairingEngine, TEModelParameters};
use ark_ed_on_bls12_381::{
    EdwardsAffine as JubjubAffine, EdwardsParameters as JubjubParameters,
    EdwardsProjective as JubjubProjective, Fr as JubjubScalar,
use ark_ff::{BigInteger, PrimeField};
use ark_plonk::circuit::{self, Circuit, PublicInputValue};
use ark_plonk::prelude::*;
use num_traits::{One, Zero};
use rand_core::OsRng;

// Implement a circuit that checks:
// 1) a + b = c where C is a PI
// 2) a <= 2^6
// 3) b <= 2^5
// 4) a * b = d where D is a PI
// 5) JubJub::GENERATOR * e(JubJubScalar) = f where F is a Public Input
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct TestCircuit<
    E: PairingEngine,
    P: TEModelParameters<BaseField = E::Fr>,
> {
    a: E::Fr,
    b: E::Fr,
    c: E::Fr,
    d: E::Fr,
    e: P::ScalarField,
    f: GroupAffine<P>,
        E: PairingEngine,
        P: TEModelParameters<BaseField = E::Fr>,
    > Circuit<E, P> for TestCircuit<E, P>
    const CIRCUIT_ID: [u8; 32] = [0xff; 32];
    fn gadget(
        &mut self,
        composer: &mut StandardComposer<E, P>,
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let a = composer.add_input(self.a);
        let b = composer.add_input(self.b);
        // Make first constraint a + b = c
        let add_result = composer.add(
          (E::Fr::one(), a),
          (E::Fr::one(), b),
	composer.assert_equal(add_result, composer.zero_var());

        // Check that a and b are in range
        composer.range_gate(a, 1 << 6);
        composer.range_gate(b, 1 << 5);
        // Make second constraint a * b = d
        let mul_result = composer.mul(E::Fr::one(), a, b, E::Fr::zero(), Some(-self.d));
        composer.assert_equal(mul_result, composer.zero_var());

        let e_repr = self.e.into_repr().to_bytes_le();
        let e = composer.add_input(E::Fr::from_le_bytes_mod_order(&e_repr));
        let (x, y) = P::AFFINE_GENERATOR_COEFFS;
        let generator = GroupAffine::new(x, y);
        let scalar_mul_result = composer.fixed_base_scalar_mul(e, generator);
        // Apply the constrain
        composer.assert_equal_public_point(scalar_mul_result, self.f);
    fn padded_circuit_size(&self) -> usize {
        1 << 11

// Now let's use the Circuit we've just implemented!
fn main()-> Result<(), Error> {
    let pp: PublicParameters<Bls12_381> = KZG10::<Bls12_381,DensePolynomial<BlsScalar>,>::setup(
          1 << 12, false, &mut OsRng
    // Initialize the circuit
    let mut circuit: TestCircuit::<
    > = TestCircuit::default();
    // Compile the circuit
    let (pk, vd) = circuit.compile(&pp).unwrap();
    // Generator
    let (x, y) = JubJubParameters::AFFINE_GENERATOR_COEFFS;
    let generator = JubJubAffine::new(x, y);
    let point_f_pi: JubJubAffine = AffineCurve::mul(
    let proof = {
        let mut circuit = TestCircuit {
            a: BlsScalar::from(20u64),
            b: BlsScalar::from(5u64),
            c: BlsScalar::from(25u64),
            d: BlsScalar::from(100u64),
            e: JubJubScalar::from(2u64),
            f: point_f_pi,
        circuit.gen_proof(&pp, pk, b"Test").unwrap()

    let public_inputs: Vec<PublicInputValue<BlsScalar, JubjubParameters>> = vec![



This crate includes a variety of features which will briefly be explained below:

  • parallel: Enables rayon and other parallelisation primitives to be used and speed up some of the algorithms used by the crate and it's dependencies.
  • asm: Enables inline-assembly implementations for some of the internal algorithms and primitives used by the arkworks dependencies of the crate.
  • trace: Enables the Circuit debugger tooling. This is essentially the capability of using the StandardComposer::check_circuit_satisfied function. The function will output information about each circuit gate until one of the gates does not satisfy the equation, or there are no more gates. If there is an unsatisfied gate equation, the function will panic and return the gate number.
  • trace-print: Goes a step further than trace and prints each gate component data, giving a clear overview of all the values which make up the circuit that we're constructing. The recommended method is to derive the std output, and the std error, and then place them in text file which can be used to efficiently analyse the gates.


There are two main types of documentation in this repository:

  • Crate documentation. This provides info about all of the functions that the library provides, as well as the documentation regarding the data structures that it exports. To check this, please feel free to go to the documentation page or run make doc or make doc-internal.

  • Notes. This is a specific subset of documentation which explains the key mathematical concepts of PLONK and how they work with mathematical demonstrations. To check it, run make doc and open the resulting docs, which will be located under /target with your browser.





This code is licensed under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (MPL-2.0). Please see LICENSE for further info.


Initial implementation created by Kev, Carlos and Luke at Dusk Network. Redesigned by the rust zkp team to have a backend which is compatible with the arkworks suite. This allows us to leverage the multitude of curves and optimised algebra present in various arkworks repositories.


  • If you want to contribute to this repository/project please, check CONTRIBUTING.md
  • If you want to report a bug or request a new feature addition, please open an issue on this repository.