
A python implementation of sumcheck GKR protocol. Reference: https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/317.pdf

Primary LanguagePython

Sumcheck protocol for Multilinear polynomials and GKR Function

unit test
A python implementation of sumcheck protocol for multilinear polynomial, product of multilinear polynomials (PMF), and GKR function. Sumcheck protocol is useful in interactive proofs (IP) and zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP). Algorithms are adapted from Xie, T. et al. https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/317.pdf.

Getting Started

Represent a multilinear polynomial

Each multilinear polynomial is an instance of MVLinear class. We need to specify the number of variables in the polynomial, the coefficient of each monomial, and the size of the finite field of this polynomial. Example:

from polynomial import MVLinear
# P(x0, x1, x2, x3) = 15 + x0 + 4*x3 + x1*x2 + 5*x2*x3 (in Z_37)
P = MVLinear(4, {0b0000: 15, 0b0001: 1, 0b1000: 4, 0b0110: 1, 0b1100: 5}, 37)

The monomials are represented by a dictionary where the index is the binary form of the monomial: the least significant bit represents x0, second least significant bit represents x1 and so on. The value represents the coefficient of the monomial.

We can add, subtract, and multiply polynomials using python +, -, * operators. For multiplication, if the result polynomial is no longer multilinear, an ArithmeticError will be raised.

We can also use makeLinearConstructor to generate polynomials with same number of variables and field size quickly. This function takes num_variables and p (field size) and return a function that takes monomials and return the MVLinear instance.

Examples for polynomial operations:

from polynomial import makeMVLinearConstructor
m = makeMVLinearConstructor(4, 37)
x0 = m({0b1: 1})
x1 = m({0b10: 1})
x2 = m({0b100: 1})
x3 = m({0b1000: 4})
x4 = m({0b10000: 5})

p = 2*x2 + 3*x3 + 19
p2 = x1 + 7*x0*x1+ x0 + 8
p  # MVLinear( + 2*x2 + 12*x3 + 19)
p2  # MVLinear( + 1*x1 + 7*x0x1 + 1*x0 + 8)
p+p2 # MVLinear( + 2*x2 + 12*x3 + 27 + 1*x1 + 7*x0x1 + 1*x0)
p-p2 # MVLinear( + 2*x2 + 12*x3 + 11 + 36*x1 + 30*x0x1 + 36*x0)
p*p2  # MVLinear( + 2*x1x2 + 14*x0x1x2 + 2*x0x2 + 16*x2 + 12*x1x3 + 10*x0x1x3 + 12*x0x3 + 22*x3 + 19*x1 + 22*x0x1 + 19*x0 + 4)
p*p # ArithmeticError: no longer multilinear

Represent a product of multilinear polynomial (PMF)

Documentation to be completed

Initialize the Interactive Verifier

The constructor of the verifier takes seed (random source), polynomial (the multilinear polynomial to check), asserted_sum (the sum that the prover is going to prove). At the beginning, the verifier is not convinced. When the prover calls prove and send the verifier a univariate linear polynomial (represented by P(0) and P(1)), the verifier verifies the sum, sends a random value back, and goes to next round.


from polynomial import makeMVLinearConstructor
from IPVerifier import InteractiveVerifier
m = makeMVLinearConstructor(4, 37)
x0 = m({0b1: 1})
x1 = m({0b10: 1})
x2 = m({0b100: 1})
x3 = m({0b1000: 4})
x4 = m({0b10000: 5})

p = 2*x0 + 3 * x1 + 3
v = InteractiveVerifier(12345, p, 22)  # v.active = True, v.convinced = False
v.talk(p(0,0)+p(0,1), p(1,0)+p(1,1))  # returns (True, 26), v.active = True, v.convinced = False
v.talk(p(26, 0), p(26, 1))  # returns (True, 0), v.active = False, v.convinced = True
# Verifier accepts the result

Example for PMF (Product of Multilinear polynomial) Verifier:

from polynomial import makeMVLinearConstructor
from IPPMFVerifier import InteractivePMFVerifier

m = makeMVLinearConstructor(3, 199)
x0 = m({0b1: 1})
x1 = m({0b10: 1})
x2 = m({0b100: 1})

from PMF import PMF
p = PMF([x2*x1 + x0,x1*4 + x2*x1 + x0*x1])
v = InteractivePMFVerifier(12345, p, 22) 
p(0,0,0)+p(0,0,1)+p(0,1,0)+p(0,1,1)  # 5
p(1,0,0)+p(1,0,1)+p(1,1,0)+p(1,1,1)  # 17
p(2,0,0)+p(2,0,1)+p(2,1,0)+p(2,1,1)  # 33

p(106,0,0)+p(106,0,1)  # 0
p(106,1,0)+p(106,1,1)  # 254
p(106,2,0)+p(106,2,1)  # 133

v.talk([0, 254%199,133])
p(106,187,0)  # 176
p(106,187,1)  # 162
p(106,187,2)  # 38
v.talk([176,162,38])  # verifier convinced

Interactive Prover

Interactive Prover for Multilinear polynomial

The interactive prover is represented by the InteractiveLinearProver class. The prover first precalculates the evaluations of polynomials on {0,1}^n and the sum of it. Then, the prover talks to the verifier interactively to convince the verifier about the sum.

from IPVerifier import InteractiveVerifier
from IPProverLinear import InteractiveLinearProver
from polynomial import randomMVLinear
from random import randint
# suppose we have a polynomial p
p = randomMVLinear(6)

# initialize the prover
pv = InteractiveLinearProver(p)
# calculate the book keeping table and sum
A, s = pv.calculateTable()

# initialize the verifier
v = InteractiveVerifier(randint(0xFFFFFFFF), p, s)

# convince the verifier
pv.attemptProve(A, v)

Interactive Prover for PMF (Products of Multilinear Polynomials)

The interactive protocol for PMF is similar

from IPPMFVerifier import InteractivePMFVerifier
from IPPMFProver import InteractivePMFProver
from polynomial import randomMVLinear
from random import randint
from PMF import PMF

# suppose we have a PMF p, which is the product of 5 multilinear polynomials with 5 variables
p = PMF([randomMVLinear(5) for _ in range(5)])

# initialize the prover
pv = InteractivePMFProver(p)
# calculate the book keeping tables and sum
As, s = pv.calculateAllBookKeepingTables()

# initialize the verifier
v = InteractivePMFVerifier(randint(0xFFFFFFFF), p, s)

# convince the verifier
pv.attemptProve(As, v)

Offline Version of the protocol

Using Fiat-Shamir Transform, one can use a pseudorandom function to convert the interactive protocol offline. Note that this protocol requires larger field size, as the soundness error for the offline version is larger. In this implementation, the field size requirement is linear to number of rounds in interactive protocol, which is number of variables + 1.

Offline sum-check for Multilinear Polynomial

from polynomial import randomMVLinear, randomPrime
from FSProver import generateTheoremAndProof
from FSVerifier import verifyProof

poly = randomMVLinear(12, randomPrime(32))  # generate a random 12-variable with 32-bit field size
generateTheoremAndProof(poly, 2e-64)  # generate the proof and check if soundness error requirement is met
# this is lead to an error
# IPVerifier.SoundnessErrorException: Soundness error 5.036415256650313e-08 exceeds maximum allowed soundness error 1.6666666666666665e-65
# Try to have a prime with size >= 224 bits

poly = randomMVLinear(12, randomPrime(224))
theorem,  proof = generateTheoremAndProof(poly, 2e-64)

verifyProof(theorem, proof, 2e-64)  # this should return True

Offline sum-check for PMF

from polynomial import randomMVLinear, randomPrime
from PMF import PMF
from FSPMFProver import generateTheoremAndProof
from FSPMFVerifier import verifyProof

prime = randomPrime(256)
# create a random PMF with 10 variables and 10 multiplicands
poly = PMF([randomMVLinear(10, prime) for _ in range(10)])

theorem, proof, _ = generateTheoremAndProof(poly, 2e-64)
verifyProof(theorem, proof, 2e-64)

Prover/Verifier Runtime Visualization


GKR Protocol Documentation to be completed