Gasemon is a game server monitor that can be used to send out notifications when there are players on servers.
Uses Austinb/GameQ for game server queries and jublonet/codebird-php for Twitter connection.
Coded with love for the Action Half-Life community.
Includes Twitter connector for Action Half-Life. Other type of processors can be created by implementing ServerProcessorInterface and its methods.
Requires at least PHP 5.4 with SSL and SQLite3 support, and Composer.
TIP! On CentOS 6 PHP prerequisites can be installed by running:
yum install php56-php php56-php-cli php56-php-common php56-php-pdo
Note that you'll then have to command php56 instead of php
- Run php composer.phar install or composer install (depending on your Composer installation)
- Run php setup.php
- Add server addresses to the created data/gasemon.db file with SQLite
- Configure cooldown period and add your Twitter keys and secrets into config.ini if you're using the default TweetBot as server list processor
- Run gasemon.php
-tsuriga, 2015