
Tsuru router API implementation that manages k8s loadbalancers/ingress

Primary LanguageGo

Kubernetes Router

Kubernetes router implements the tsuru router http API and manages the creation and removal of load balancer services or ingress resources on a kubernetes cluster. It expects to be run as a pod in the cluster itself.


  • -alsologtostderr: log to standard error as well as files;
  • -cert-file: Path to certificate used to serve https requests;
  • -controller-modes: Defines enabled controller running modes: service, ingress, ingress-nginx or istio-gateway;
  • -ingress-domain: Default domain to be used on created vhosts, local is the default. (eg: serviceName.local) (default "local");
  • -istio-gateway.gateway-selector: Gateway selector used in gateways created for apps;
  • -k8s-annotations: Annotations to be added to each resource created. Expects KEY=VALUE format;
  • -k8s-labels: Labels to be added to each resource created. Expects KEY=VALUE format;
  • -k8s-namespace: Kubernetes namespace to create resources (default "default");
  • -k8s-timeout: Kubernetes per-request timeout (default 10s);
  • -key-file: Path to private key used to serve https requests;
  • -listen-addr: Listen address (default ":8077");
  • -log_backtrace_at: when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace;
  • -log_dir: If non-empty, write log files in this directory;
  • -logtostderr: log to standard error instead of files;
  • -opts-to-label: Mapping between router options and service labels. Expects KEY=VALUE format;
  • -opts-to-label-doc: Mapping between router options and user friendly help. Expects KEY=VALUE format;
  • -opts-to-ingress-annotations: Mapping between router options and ingress annotations. Expects KEY=VALUE format;
  • -opts-to-ingress-annotations-doc: Mapping between router options and user friendly help. Expects KEY=VALUE format;
  • -ingress-class: Default class annotation for ingress objects;
  • -ingress-annotations-prefix: Default prefix for annotations in ingress objects;
  • -pool-labels: Default labels for a given pool. Expects POOL={"LABEL":"VALUE"} format;
  • -stderrthreshold: logs at or above this threshold go to stderr;
  • -v: log level for V logs;
  • -vmodule: comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging.


  • ROUTER_API_USER/ROUTER_API_PASSWORD: Basic auth user and password to be checked for every request to the router API. Optional.

Running locally with Tsuru and Minikube

  1. Setup tsuru + minikube (https://docs.tsuru.io/master/contributing/compose.html)

  2. Run the ingress-router in your minikube cluster

     $ make minikube
  3. Fetch the URL of the ingress-router service

     $ minikube service list
  4. Add the ingress router to tsuru.conf

     $ vim ../tsuru/etc/tsuru-compose.conf


             type: api

    Replace with the URL shown by minikube service list.

  5. Reload tsuru

     $ $GOPATH/src/github.com/tsuru/tsuru/build-compose.sh
  6. Create an app using the ingress-router

     $ tsuru app-create myapp static --router ingress-router