- 1
Tsuru Dashboard App Creation not select pool
#136 opened by gustavodecarlo - 0
Circular dependency error in event info
#163 opened by ggarnier - 0
OAuth callback URL is only formatted for HTTP
#157 opened by nettoclaudio - 4
Improvements on events list and info pages
#135 opened by cezarsa - 0
Pool list and info should check for node errors
#146 opened by ggarnier - 1
- 0
Support multiple metrics backends for single app
#132 opened by andrestc - 2
Admin/Nodes page always use Brazilian timezone
#129 opened by fsouza - 0
Admin/Nodes page fails if pool name contains \
#131 opened by fsouza - 7
metrics on graphite
#110 opened by vmalaga - 0
- 0
- 1
Change admin/hosts to new pool structure
#75 opened by tarsisazevedo - 1
Show pool name in node healing events list.
#125 opened by tarsisazevedo - 1
add a page to remove key
#100 opened by andrewsmedina - 1
update bootstrap version
#98 opened by tarsisazevedo - 0
add a page to list keys
#99 opened by andrewsmedina - 1
Integrate tests with CI Service
#122 opened by raphamorim - 1
- 0
- 1
User login broken
#118 opened by devaroop - 0
Refresh units count and list on app details
#119 opened by andrestc - 2
Get tsuru token failed in Login.form_valid()
#117 opened by smartwang - 0
metrics: new metric top slow
#115 opened by dnsaoki2 - 0
- 0
Some buttons are not being displayed correctly.
#114 opened by raulgbrmf - 0
Confirmation pop-ups are not being displayed
#112 opened by raulgbrmf - 0
- 1
admin: remove node from a cluster
#108 opened by andrewsmedina - 1
app-info: number of units is not displaying correctly
#106 opened by fsouza - 0
- 0
- 0
improve drag and drop deploy ux
#103 opened by andrewsmedina - 1
app page erro - Opps! Something went wrong.
#101 opened by leandrosouza - 0
add a way to user creates a team.
#97 opened by tarsisazevedo - 0
tsuru pool-info
#90 opened by wagnersza - 4
- 1
- 3
- 0
- 1
Metrics page: JS not served over SSL via cdn blocking rendering of metrics page
#91 opened by dhilton - 3
Dashboard does not remember my session
#85 opened by mikhail - 1
Admin dashboard
#89 opened by tarsisazevedo - 0
Show deploy origin in deploy list
#88 opened by tarsisazevedo - 0
Add units not working
#79 opened by joaopaulovieira - 0
- 0
add a healthcheck page
#81 opened by andrewsmedina - 1
update django to 1.7
#80 opened by andrewsmedina - 2
TypeError at /admin_abyss/
#76 opened by kamilchm - 0
add oauth support
#74 opened by andrewsmedina