
A Content-Addressable Storage (CAS) ADT for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


CAStle is a Content-Addressable Storage ADT for Elixir.

CAStle doesn't attempt to replicate the semantics of any particular existing object store, e.g. Git or Amazon S3. Instead, CAStle provides a toolkit of abstractions for building object stores.


You have two options. You can create a CAStle.Store directly, e.g.:

iex> store = CAStle.Store.new(adapter: CAStle.Adapter.ETS)
iex> obj1 = CAStle.Store.insert_stream(store, "foo")
iex> obj2 = CAStle.Store.fetch(store, obj1.hash)
iex> obj1 == obj2
iex> CAStle.Stream.to_binary(obj1)

Or, you can use CAStle.Store in a module of your project, much like you would use Ecto.Repo with Ecto:

# in lib/my_app/object_store.ex
defmodule MyApp.ObjectStore do
  use CAStle.Store,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    adapter: CAStle.Adapter.GitObjectsDir

  def init(_type, config) do
    repo_path = System.get_env("GIT_REPO_PATH")
    {:ok, Keyword.put(config, :path, String.join([repo_path, ".git", "objects"])}

# then, in your code:
obj = MyApp.ObjectStore.insert_stream("foo")
^obj = MyApp.ObjectStore.fetch(obj.hash)

Content Types

CAStle can hold onto content of arbitrary type. CAStle stores create CAStle.Objects by taking in arbitrary Erlang terms, and then passing them to the CAStle.Hashable.hash/1 protocol function to derive a hash for them. To enable your own structs to be stored into a CAStle store, they just needs to implement CAStle.Hashable.

A content struct can also choose to implement CAStle.Encoder, if it wishes to supply a custom encoding of its contents; but this is usually unnecessary, as the default (term_to_binary/1) encoding serves well as a structural-identity encoding for almost all Erlang terms.

Storage Adapters

CAStle has various storage adapters:

  • CAStle.Adapter.Heap — a simple functional-persistent ADT, which you must pass between CAStle operations. This is the fastest adapter if your operations are private to a single Erlang process, and it also allows you to do clever things by holding onto multiple copies of the store. This store is also used as an interchange format between some CAStle operations.

  • CAStle.Adapter.ETS — an ADT backed by a collection of anonymous ETS tables, much like Erlang's :digraph module. This adapter is good for coordination between ephemeral Erlang processes on the same node.

  • CAStle.Adapter.ETFs — an ADT backed by the ETFs library, which combines ETS tables with streaming Erlang ETF disk persistence. This adapter is good for the same situations as the ETS adapter, with the added benefit of durability between node restarts. This adapter exclusively locks its backing ETFs file while open; the file cannot be shared between nodes.

  • CAStle.Adapter.GitObjectsDir — an ADT backed by a directory of hash-named files, in the same format as a Git .git/objects directory. This adapter is good for multi-node coordination; for reducing write amplification when small changes are persisted; and, as a bonus, the backing directory can be introspected via Git's own plumbing commands. This adapter is not intended to be used to manipulate existing Git repositories; it has no understanding of other Git storage abstractions like packfiles.

  • CAStle.Adapter.RocksDB — an ADT backed by a RocksDB file on disk. This adapter is good for production workloads when one node is acting as a CAS server which other nodes query. Very fast, but heavyweight — requires that erlang-rocksdb be installed, which requires NIF compilation.

Commutative Hashing and CAStle.Manifest

Rather than applying a universal hashing algorithm to a uniform serialization of objects, CAStle has per-type content hashing strategies.

Among other benefits, this allows CAStle to express types with setwise identity by using a commutative hash.

A good example of the usefulness of commutative hashing is BitTorrent. A BitTorrent "swarm" is a set of nodes polling one-another to exchange pieces of a fileset. Each piece is a fixed-size serialized binary holding a self-contained description of a part of a file in the fileset: the file index, the position within the file, the length of the content, and the content itself.

Each BitTorrent piece is, thus, self-describing — you can recover the sequence that the pieces belong in simply by having all the pieces themselves, much like you have all you need to put a jigsaw puzzle back together when you have the puzzle pieces themselves. Thus, any container data-structure holding the same set of pieces could be said to be semantically equivalent to any other container data-structure holding the same set. A commutative hash allows us to recognize this property, and deduplicate such data-structures.

To demonstrate concretely:

[a, b, c, d] =
  Enum.map(["foo", "bar", "baz", "quux"], &:crypto.hash(:sha256, &1))

c_hash = &Enum.into(&1, CAStle.CommutativeHash.new(256))

c_hash.([a, b, c, d])
# => ♯e8dad82e3b81897297bc9a91195d7172bea04eaa14b125e3c6563678e9c3989f

c_hash.([c_hash.([a, b]), c_hash.([c, d])])
# => ♯e8dad82e3b81897297bc9a91195d7172bea04eaa14b125e3c6563678e9c3989f

c_hash.([c_hash.([a, c]), c_hash.([b, d])])
# => ♯e8dad82e3b81897297bc9a91195d7172bea04eaa14b125e3c6563678e9c3989f

c_hash.([c_hash.([a]), c_hash.([b, c, d])])
# => ♯e8dad82e3b81897297bc9a91195d7172bea04eaa14b125e3c6563678e9c3989f

(If you're curious: the commutative hash operation is simply addition modulo the input hash size — that's the 256 in the above.)

CAStle has an object type, CAStle.Manifest, which represents this kind of setwise identity. A Manifest can contain other Manifests, and other object types (which are treated as leaves); any tree of Manifest objects will hash to a value unique to the particular leaf objects it contains, regardless of the structure of the Manifest tree itself.

store = CAStle.Store.new(adapter: CAStle.Adapter.ETS)

[obj_a, obj_b, obj_c, obj_d] =
  Enum.map(["foo", "bar", "baz", "quux"], &CAStle.Store.insert(store, &1))

mani_abcd1 = CAStle.Store.manifest(store)

mani_abcd2 = CAStle.Manifest.new([obj_a, obj_b, obj_c, obj_d])

mani_ab = CAStle.Manifest.new([obj_a, obj_b])
mani_cd = CAStle.Manifest.new([obj_c, obj_d])
mani_abcd3 = CAStle.Manifest.new([mani_ab, mani_cd])

mani_ac = CAStle.Manifest.new([obj_a, obj_c])
mani_bd = CAStle.Manifest.new([obj_b, obj_d])
mani_abcd4 = CAStle.Manifest.new([mani_ac, mani_bd])

mani_abc = CAStle.Manifest.new([obj_a, obj_b, obj_c])
mani_d = CAStle.Manifest.new([obj_d])
mani_abcd5 = CAStle.Manifest.new([mani_abc, mani_d])

[abcd_hash] =
  [mani_abcd1, mani_abcd2, mani_abcd3, mani_abcd4, mani_abcd5]
  |> Enum.map(&(&1.hash))
  |> Enum.uniq()

Also, unlike plain commutative hashes, Manifests track set membership to ensure that leaves can't be double-counted:

mani_abb = CAStle.Manifest.new([mani_ab, obj_b])

[ab_hash] = Enum.uniq([mani_ab.hash, mani_abb.hash])