
Primary LanguageTypeScript


A project made for helping students to find teachers from a specific subject which they need to learn ! Made in august, 2020 during Next Level Week II -> A project made by Rocketseat for teaching programming and making an actual project.

How to run

First, put this project in your machine

  # Clone this repository
  git clone https://github.com/tsuyusk/proffy
  # Go to the folder
  cd proffy


To run the server, you have to:

  # Go to the server folder
  cd server
  # Install dependencies
  yarn / npm install
  # Create the database
  yarn knex:migrate
  # Running the server
  yarn dev:server / npm run dev:server


To run the web version, you have to:

  # Go to the web folder
  cd web
  # Install dependencies
  yarn / npm install
  # Starting the project
  yarn start / npm start
  # Now, go to http://localhost:3000


To run the mobile version, you have to first install ' Expo client ' / ' Expo ' in your cellphone, and then:

  # Go to the mobile folder
  cd mobile
  # Install dependencies
  yarn / npm install
  # Start the project
  yarn start / npm start
  # Go to Expo Dev tools ( http://localhost:19002 ) and scan the QR Code using ' Expo client' or ' Expo ' 
  # If The Teachers list does not work, You might have to replace the variable 'ipv4' in mobile/src/server/api.ts with your ipv4