
Node.js Express API for managing artists and albums data. It provides HTTP endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting artists and albums

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Music Library API

This is a Node.js Express API for managing artists and albums data. It provides HTTP endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting artists and albums from a SQL database using postgreSQL. The API uses the HTTP methods:

  • POST for creating new artists and albums
  • GET for retrieving artists and albums data
  • PUT for updating an entire artist or album
  • PATCH for partially updating an artist or album
  • DELETE for deleting an artist or album


To use this API in your project, you need to set up a PostgreSQL database to store the artists and albums data. You can use a Docker container to run the PostgreSQL server and initialise the database.

  1. First clone the repo and install all dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/tsv-stacks/music-library

cd <your-repo>

npm install
  1. Install Docker on your system if it's not already installed

  2. Create a .env file in the root directory of this repository with the following parameters:

  1. Run the docker container with:
docker run --name music-lib -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres
  1. Start the API server by running:
npm run start


Method Endpoint Description
POST /artists Creates a new artist
GET /artists Retrieves all artists
GET /artists/:id Retrieves a specific artist
PUT /artists/:id Replaces a specific artist
PATCH /artists/:id Updates a specific artist
DELETE /artists/:id Deletes a specific artist
POST /artists/:id/albums Creates a new album for a specific artist
GET /albums Retrieves all albums
GET /albums/:id Retrieves a specific album
PUT /albums/:id Replaces a specific album
PATCH /albums/:id Updates a specific album
DELETE /albums/:id Deletes a specific album


This code defines two PostgreSQL database tables: Artists and Albums.

The Artists table has three columns:

  • id: a unique serial primary key
  • name a required string field for the artist's name
  • genre a required string field for the artist's music genre

To create an artist, you must submit a JSON object in request body that includes the name and genre fields:

  "name": "Tame Impala",
  "genre": "indie"

The Albums table has four columns:

  • id: a unique serial primary key
  • name: a required string field for the album's name
  • year: an integer field for the year the album was released
  • artistID: a required integer field that references the id column in the Artists table

To create an album you will first need to create the artist and then you can submit a JSON object in the request body that includes the name and year fields.

  "name": "The Slow Rush",
  "year": 2020


To run the mocha tests you will need to set up .env.test file in the root directory of this repository with the same parameters as the .env file but change PGDATABASE:


Use the following command to run the tests:

npm run test


This project has the following dependencies:

  • dotenv: "^16.0.3"
  • express: "^4.18.2"
  • pg: "^8.9.0"
  • postgres-migrations: "^5.3.0"

And the following devDependencies:

  • chai: "^4.3.7"
  • eslint: "^8.34.0"
  • mocha: "^10.2.0"
  • nodemon: "^2.0.20"
  • supertest: "^6.3.3"

Contact me

If you encounter any issues or bugs, or have any suggestions for improving this project, please feel free to contact me on twitter.

You can also submit an issue on this repository to report any bugs or suggest new features. Please provide as much detail as possible, including any error messages and steps to reproduce the issue.