Jewish Projects on GitHub
- Sefaria/Sefaria-Project - "A Living Library of Jewish Texts"
- MosheWagner/Orayta-QT - Orayta Jewish books program
- b3u/Shabbot - GitHub bot which responds to pings on shabbos.
- yehudah/close-for-shabbat - A WordPress plugin to close your website for Shabbat
- KosherJava/zmanim - KosherJava Zmanim API / Library
- Yitzchok/Zmanim - Jewish Zmanim Framework (Port of Java Zmanim project by KosherJava)
- MosheBerman/KosherCocoa - Objective-C port of KosherJava
- BehindTheMath/KosherZmanim - Port of the KosherJava zmanim library to TypeScript
- Orthodox-Union/zmanim-docs - Get Zmanim Info via an api by the OU
- hebcal/hebcal - A perpetual Jewish Calendar
- pinnymz/python-zmanim - Python zmanim library
- zmanim/zman - A Jewish date converter and helper
- yparitcher/libzmanim - C library for zmanim & hebrew calendar
- yparitcher/kindle-zmanim - Zmanim screensaver for kindle KNT4 & KT4 & PW4
- shayaulman/kosher-code - Dev resources approved by NetFree!
- schorrm/ypp - The oylem's first programming shprach
- igdj/jewish-history-online - Code for
- shteeble/git-shabis - git far yiddin
- yaircohendev/Tahara - An app that calculates Jewish Tahara dates