yet another ansi color module
Not interested in pulling in > 5kb into a library to get coloured terminal output.
This library is as bare-bones as it gets.
There is no:
- fancy api (pojo is where it is at)
- mutation of string prototype (wtf colors?!)
- checking for color support (do it yourself!)
- truecolor / ansi256 ("16 colors should be enough for anyone!")
- cjs bundle, transpiled to node4. referenced in package.json's main entry./dist/tiny-ansi-colors.mjs
- es6 exports. transpiled to node4. referenced in package.json's module entry./dist/tiny-ansi-colors.umd.js
- browser bundle, transpiled to ie8../dist/tiny-ansi-colors.umd.min.js
- browser bundle minified
const {colors} = require('tiny-ansi-colors')
// or import {colors} from 'tiny-ansi-colors/es'
colors('hello!', {color: 'red', background: 'green', bold: true, underline: true})
// \u001b[31m\u001b[42m\u001b[1m\u001b[4mhello!\u001b[24m\u001b[22m\u001b[49m\u001b[39m
colors(text: string, options: *?)
Supported options:
- color {string} color to use for foreground
- background {string} color to use for background
- bold {boolean} pass true to get a bold color
- dim {boolean} pass true to get a dim color
- underline {boolean} pass true to underline text
- reverse {boolean} pass true to reverse the codes.
- Black
- Red
- Green
- Yellow
- Blue
- Magenta
- Cyan
- White
Colors are case-insensitive. You can include bright
, _bright
, -bright
, bright-
or bright_
to use the bright variant.
Hex codes (e.g., '#fff', '#fffff'), or rgb strings (e.g., rgba(100%, 100%, 100%), rgb(255, 255, 255); note that alpha is ignored) can be passed. These will be converted to the approximate ansi code. Any rgb value <= 64 is coerced to black.
If an invalid color is provided, this module with throw an error.