
NUS Orbital 2022 Team 5051

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NUS Orbital 2022 Team 5051


As we began our tertiary education, the adult problem of managing personal finance became increasingly troublesome in daily life. Given the limited budget per month, how we should break down the expenses wisely and how we can track our daily expenses have become the biggest problems that we face every day.

Like many others in this world, we often wonder where our money went, when we look at our bank statement at the end of the month. Therefore, why not create a web-based application for budget planning and spending-checking for ourselves?

Target Audience

University students who have limited monthly allowance and wish to plan their expenses wisely

Main features

  1. Set monthly budget
  2. Record daily expenses
  3. Monthly view of expense to help students visualise their monthly expenses

User Guide

Landing page

You can sign in with your email address and login via the magic link sent to your email.

Profile Page

We intend to collect the email address of our users as well as a username. The user can also choose to upload their profile photo and their username in the Profile Page.


You can add new expenses by clicking the “ADD EXPENSE” button. A form will pop up for you to key in your expenses. Then the new entry would be reflected on the table behind. If you have no more expenses to record, you may close the popup form. You can also add your income in the same way as above via the “ADD INCOME” button. The entries are displayed in a table in the home page. You can switch between expense table and income table by clicking on "VIEW EXPENSE" or "VIEW INCOME".


“Set budget” function can be found at the SETTING page. You can update your budget there.

Exceed budget Alert

If you have spent beyond your budget. The text in ‘Remaining Budget’ card will turn into red to alert you!