
Primary LanguageJava

duke.Duke project

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User Guide


Add tasks

You can add 3 types of tasks, todo, deadline and event, into your task list.

Mark as done

This feature is to allow you to mark the task as done.

If you have finished the task, you can mark the task as done.

Mark as undone

This feature is to let to mark the task as undone.

If you have not finished the task, you can mark the task as undone.

List the tasks

This feature is to list all the tasks in the task list.

Delete the tasks

This feature is to delete the specific task according to its index number. Once you have entered the command, the task will be removed from the list.

Find the tasks

Find all the tasks according to the keywords in the command.



Add to do to the task list.

Example of usage:

todo {task description}


todo read books

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: 
[T][ ] read books


Add deadline to the task list.

Example of usage:

deadline {task description} /by {the date of deadline}


deadline read books /by Feb 28th

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: 
[D][ ] read books Feb 28th


Add event to the task list

Example of usage:

event {task description} /from {start} /to {end}


event read books /from Feb 2nd /to Feb 28th

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: 
[E][ ] read books from: Feb 2nd to: Feb 28th


Mark the task as done

Example of usage:

mark {index number}


mark 1

Excepted outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:)
[T][√] read books


Mark the task as undone

Example of usage:

unmark {index number}


unmark 1

Excepted outcome:

Nice! I've unmarked this task as done:P
[T][] read books


Delete the task and show the total number of tasks

Example of usage:

delete {task index number}


delete 1

Excepted outcome:

Got it. I've removed this task: 
[T][ ] read books
 There are 4 tasks in your list.


Find the tasks according to keywords

find {keywords}


find books

Excepted outcome

Here are the matching tasks in your list: 

1. [T][ ] read books
2. [D][ ] read books Feb 28th
3. [E][ ] read books from: Feb 2nd to: Feb 28th


List all the tasks



Expected outcome:

1. [T][ ] read books
2. [T][ ] wash clothes
3. [T][ ] buy flowers
4. [D][ ] read books Feb 28th
5. [E][ ] read books from: Feb 2nd to: Feb 28th