- 謝忱
- 張鈞
- 周秉儒
A pytorch implementation of Moment Matching for Multi-Source domain adaption
- pytorch : 3.5+
- torch : 1.0
- numpy : 1.16.2
- pandas : 0.24.0
- torchvision : 0.2.2
- matplotlib
- sklearn
In this project, we use four dataset in DomainNet(quickdraw, real, infograph, sketch)
bash ./get_model.sh
For trainging : < Last one will be Target domain, other will be Source domain >
python3 train.py $1 $2 $3 $4
For example:
python3 train.py sketch infograph quickdraw real
Source domain (sketch, infograph, quickdraw) ---> Target domain (real)
- $1~$3 are source domain
- $4 is target domain
For eval : < Last one will be Target domain, other will be Source domain >
python3 eval.py $1 $2 $3 $4
For example:
python3 eval.py sketch infograph quickdraw real
Source domain (sketch, infograph, quickdraw) ---> Target domain (real)
- $1~$3 are source domain
- $4 is target domain
For predict :
bash ./predict.sh $1 $2
For example:
bash ./predict.sh ./dataset_public/test/ real
- $1 : Image Path
- $2 : Target domain
inf, real, skt --> qdr | inf, real, qdr --> skt | inf, qdr, skt --> real | qdr, skt, real --> inf | |
MSDA | 7.82 % | 30.09 % | 14.26 % | 54.54 % |
TSNE PLOT (LR=3e-4, Batch size = 256)
Moment Matching for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
Maximum Classifier Discrepancy for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Multi-Source Domain Adaptation with Mixture of Experts