Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Multi-label Image Classification with Visual Attention and Handcrafted Features

CS231N Spring 2019

Welcome to CS231N project playground!

Kaggle challenge


  • saved at /mnt/disks/large/data

Data Split

  • Done in analyses/preprocessing.ipynb

  • Original Training Data that contains labels that appear less than 3 times are dropped

  • Rest of training data are split 8:1:1 into our own train/val/test. The mapping is in data/train_split.csv (with one hot encoding). The ID and attributes are saved in original format in (Github folder) data/train_split_train.csv, data/train_split_val.csv, data/train_split_test.csv and also in vm disk data folder /mnt/disks/large/data/train_split

  • Original data are /mnt/disks/large/data/train.zip and test.zip

  • Our own train/val/test (original .png files) are stored in /mnt/disks/large/data/train_split

  • Small dataset for debug: /mnt/disks/large/debug_data, train_split_train.csv, train_split_val.csv and train_split_test.csv for this small dataset is also stored here.


  • Please save all experimental results in /mnt/disks/large/output



  • The environment is defined in ./environment.yml (called imet), and has been setup in VM cs231n1-vm. To activate the environment, run the following on terminal:
conda activate imet

To deactivate, run the following:

conda deactivate imet


  • Always work on your own branch. Use the following command to create a new branch:
# make sure your master branch is up to date
git pull origin master
# create a new branch
git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch]
  • Commit your changes to your branch:
git add .
git commit
git push origin [name_of_your_new_branch]
  • After you are confident about the changes you have made in your branch and want to merge to master branch, go to Github website to create a pull request


  • Check storage usage
  • You should see a 100GB (base disk for VM (Your home directory is on this disk ). if this disk is full we cannot access VM), and a 300GB large disk mounted at /mnt/disks/large. Our raw data is stored at /mnt/disks/large/data.

  • Mount should be done automatically every time VM is started. (see https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/add-persistent-disk)

  • We should write all intermediate data or output files to /mnt/disks/large not folders under ~/.


https://github.com/cs231n/gcloud.git has already been installed and setup.

Jupyter notebook has been already setup.

To launch notebook, Run

jupyter notebook --no-browser --port xxxx

Then you can launch the notebook in browser at http://external IP address:xxxx with password cs231n where xxxx is a port number that is not taken and in 7000-9000 range.


During training, some results such as train/dev loss, train LR, val F2, val F1 etc. will be recorded in an event file. You may view these results using Tensorboard. To use Tensorboard, go to the parent folder of our code, i.e. CS231N_CZT, then run the following command:

tensorboard --logdir [dir-to-the-folder-of-output-event-file] --port [port-number]

Next, on your local machine, run the following command:

gcloud compute --project "cs231n-237922" ssh --zone "us-west1-b" "[VM-name]" -- -NfL [port-number]:localhost:[port-number]

where [VM-name] is cs231n1-vm-2, cs231n1-vm etc. Now, open http://localhost:[port-number]/ in the browswer on your local machine, you should be able to see the Tensorboard.