
Sudoku game for running on the FPGA board

Primary LanguageC


A sudoku game that runs on the FPGA board written in C. This is a collaboration of work of Tracy Sun and Angela Yu.

Disclaimer of the code

This project is an academic project for ECE243, University of Toronto. Due to Academic Integrity concerns, we cannot share the full version of the code to prevent students from copying. Others are welcome to request access of the full code.

Running on the website

The game can be ran on website using CPUlator. Please select C as the language.


sudoku instruction

  1. Use keyboard to choose which number to input (valid numbers are 1-9)
  2. Use mouse to select a spot on the game board by left-clicking. The number will be filled into that spot after the click.
  3. If you want to change one of the filled numbers, repeat steps 1 and 2 on the spot you want to modify
  4. Click "Check" botton to compare your answer with the correct solution

Attribution Table

Tasks Contributor
Sudoku game algorithm Tracy
VGA display Tracy, Angela
PS/2 Mouse & Keyboard Angela
Test and debug Tracy, Angela


[1] Using the ARM Generic Interrupt Controller. Altera Corporation, 2015.

[2] "PS/2 Controller on DE1-SoC Computer", Www-ug.eecg.utoronto.ca, 2022. [Online]. Available: http://www-ug.eecg.utoronto.ca/desl/nios_devices_SoC/dev_ps2.html. [Accessed: 14- Apr- 2022].

[3] DE1-SoC Computer System with ARM* Cortex* A9. Intel Corporation - FPGA University Program, 2017.

[4] "PS/2 Mouse - OSDev Wiki", Wiki.osdev.org, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://wiki.osdev.org/PS/2_Mouse. [Accessed: 14- Apr- 2022].