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Forgot Password Plugin for Skygear


If your app is hosted on Skygear Cloud, this plugin is added to your cloudcode automatically. For local development install this plugin as a package or a submodule in your project.


The plugin is configured by environment variables.

Basic settings

  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_APP_NAME - the app name that will appear in the built-in template. If you use a different template, you do not need to supply an app name. The default app name is the Skygear Server app name.
  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_URL_PREFIX - the URL prefix for accessing the Skygear Server. The plugin requires this to generate the reset password link. The value should include protocol (e.g. https://).
  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_SENDER - email will be sent from this email address.
  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUBJECT - subject of the email sent.
  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_REPLY_TO - "Reply-to" option of the email sent.
  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_SECURE_MATCH - an option to require the plugin to return an error if the email on the request is not found; otherwise, the plugin will return OK if the email on the request is not found. The default value of this option is "NO".
  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_RESET_URL_LIFETIME - an option specify the expiration duration of the forgot password url in the unit of seconds. The default value is 43200 (12 hours).
  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_REDIRECT - the url user will be redirect to when his / her password is reset successfully. If absent, the page generated from template will be returned to user.
  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_ERROR_REDIRECT - the url user will be redirect to when his/her password is failed to reset. Error message is passed via query string with key "error". If absent, the page generated from template will be returned to user.

SMTP settings

SMTP settings are required for the plugin to send outgoing email.

  • SMTP_HOST - hostname of the mail server (required)
  • SMTP_PORT - port number of the mail server (optional)
  • SMTP_MODE - specify tls to use TLS transport (optional)
  • SMTP_LOGIN - username for authentication (optional)
  • SMTP_PASSWORD - password for authentication (optional)

Welcome email settings

Welcome email settings defines the behaviour of sending welcome email to the newly signed up users.

  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_WELCOME_EMAIL_ENABLE - the option indicating whether the plugin will send welcome email to user after sign up. The default value is "NO".
  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_WELCOME_EMAIL_SENDER - the sender of the welcome email
  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_WELCOME_EMAIL_SUBJECT - the subject of the welcome email
  • FORGOT_PASSWORD_WELCOME_EMAIL_REPLY_TO - the "Reply-to" option of the welcome email


This plugin provides basic HTML and email templates for handling forgot password request. You can override the templates easily by creating a templates/forgot_password folder in your cloud code project directory.

Please be reminded that both of text email template and HTML email template will be sent to clients. Text template will serve as a fallback for email clients not support html email.

You can also specify the corresponding environment variable indicating the url of the template. The plugin will download the template before sending the email.

For example, if you want to change how the forgot password email looks, create a text file and save it to templates/forgot_password/forgot_password_email.txt. Under your project directory.

Here are a list of templates you can override:

  • templates/forgot_password/forgot_password_email.txt - text template for the email which are sent to the user requesting for password reset. The corresponding environment variable is FORGOT_PASSWORD_EMAIL_TEXT_URL.

  • templates/forgot_password/forgot_password_email.html - HTML template for the email which are sent to the user requesting for password reset. If you provide a HTML template, you must also provide a text template. The corresponding environment variable is FORGOT_PASSWORD_EMAIL_HTML_URL.

  • templates/forgot_password/reset_password.html - HTML form for user to enter a new password. The corresponding environment variable is FORGOT_PASSWORD_RESET_HTML_URL.

  • templates/forgot_password/reset_password_error.html - HTML page to show when there is an error with the code and User ID of the request. The corresponding environment variable is FORGOT_PASSWORD_RESET_ERROR_HTML_URL.

  • templates/forgot_password/reset_password_success.html - HTML page to show when the user has reset the password successfully. The corresponding environment variable is FORGOT_PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESS_HTML_URL.

  • templates/forgot_password/welcome_email.txt - text template for the welcome email sent when the user is signed up successfully. The corresponding environment variable is FORGOT_PASSWORD_WELCOME_EMAIL_TEXT_URL.

  • templates/forgot_password/welcome_email.html - html template for the welcome email sent when the user is signed up successfully. The corresponding environment variable is FORGOT_PASSWORD_WELCOME_EMAIL_HTML_URL.

You can reference variable for generating HTML/email with dynamic values. Here is an incomplete list of variables:

  • {{ user }} - information about the user, use {{ user.email }} for user email

  • {{ user_record }} - the user record, if your app save the user name to the user record as the field name, use {{ user_record.name }} to get the user name

  • {{ user_id }} - ID of the user

  • {{ code }} - Code for the user to verify account ownership

  • {{ expire_at }} - Expiration timestamp of the url

You can copy the provided templates to your project directory to get started.

For documentation of the templating language, see Jinja2.