
🍿 Tool to scrap all the details of all the movies and series from The Movie Database

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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This is a Node.js application that fetches TV show data from the The Movie Database API and saves it to a JSON file. The application uses the fs, dotenv, axios, mongoose and log-symbol Node.js packages, which can be installed using npm.

The dataset of all the details of TV show is available on Kaggle.


  1. Clone the repository or download the code.
git clone https://github.com/bourdier/tmdb-scrapper.git
  1. Open the command line and navigate to the project directory.
cd tmdb-scrapper-main
  1. Run npm install to install the required packages.


Before running the application, you need to set your API key in a .env file in the project directory. You can obtain an API key from the The Movie Database website.

Create a .env file in the project directory and add the following line, replacing YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key and YOUR_MONGODB_URL with your actual MongoDB URL:

  • If you want to change the language of the data, you can replace en-US in config.mjs.
  • The total is fetched in latestId.mjs. The script will retrieve the last ID added to the site from the TMDB API.
  • You can replace the API URL to retrieve movie data by changing tv to movies at the end of baseUrl.


To run the application, open the command line and navigate to the project directory. Then run the following command:

node server.mjs

The application will fetch TV show data from the The Movie Database API and save it to your database per batch of 100 datas. The data for all TV shows is fetched by looping over all IDs available, and fetching each TV show's data individually.

If an error occurs during fetching or saving data, an error message is displayed in the console and the error is logged to a error_DD_MM_YYYY.txt file.