
:wrench: Starter pour projet avec Bootstrap (3) SASS généré par Bower et compilé avec Gulp

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          |  _ \            | |     | |                    / ____|  /\    / ____/ ____|         
  ______  | |_) | ___   ___ | |_ ___| |_ _ __ __ _ _ __   | (___   /  \  | (___| (___    ______ 
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          |____/ \___/ \___/ \__|___/\__|_|  \__,_| .__/  |_____/_/    \_\_____/_____/          
                                                  | |                                           

Bootstrap SASS using Bower & Gulp (on Win)

Usage :

While you're editing into the Resources folder :

  • run gulp watch_all to auto-compile on save
  • Ctrl+C to stop watching

If you created new files into the sass or views folder :

  • run gulp prod to duplicate these into the web folder

Enjoy !