Efficient pytorch transformation function between cartesian and spherical coordinates in n-dimensions.
Convert from cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates:
>>> x_cartesian = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
>>> x_spherical = to_spherical(x_cartesian)
>>> print(x_spherical)
tensor([1.7321, 0.9553, 0.7854])
Convert from spherical to cartesian coordinates:
>>> x_cartesian = torch.tensor([1.7321, 0.9553, 0.7854])
>>> x_cartesian = to_cartesian(x_spherical)
>>> print(x_spherical)
tensor([1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000])
The methods also support batched input. In general they expect a torch tensor of shape (..., n)