
Lightweight ES client for node.js

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Elasticsearch Lightweight Client


Promise based simple client for elasticsearch.


npm install eslight


ESLight = require 'eslight'

es = new ESLight('http://my-es-node-1:9200/')

(es.exec 'myindex', mytype', 'mydoc').then (res) ->
    console.log 'And the result it', res
.fail (err) ->
    console.log 'Uh oh', err

(es.exec 'PUT', 'myindex', mytype', 'mydoc', {some object...}).then (res) ->
    console.log 'And the result it', res
.fail (err) ->
    console.log 'Uh oh', err

ESLight(string, ...) or ESLight(url, ...)

The constructor takes a variable number endpoints as either string or url objects. The url object is of the kind that url.parse returns.

The endpoints will be used for round robin access to distribute load and retries if any endpoint fails.

The arguments can be one or multiple strings or one or multiple arrays of strings.

exec([verb], path part, ..., [query], [body])


The exec method has a flexible number of arguments. The first argument can be an optional HTTP string verb, one of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. If not provided the verb defaults to GET.

path part

There must be at least one string path part. Each path part will be joined with a /. The following examples are equivalent:

  • exec('myindex', 'mytype', 'mydoc')
  • exec('myindex/mytype', 'mydoc')
  • exec('myindex/mytype/mydoc')
  • exec('/myindex/mytype/mydoc')


The body is optional and will be submitted if the last argument is of object type. Remember that typeof null == 'object'.

exec 'PUT', 'myindex/mytype/mydoc', {some:'doc', to:'store'}


The query is optional, and will only be used if there is a body part. To have only a query and no body, the last argument must be null.

Optimistic locking as in /myindex/mytype/mydoc?version=4:

exec 'PUT', 'myindex/mytype/mydoc', {version:4}, {some:'doc', to:'store'}

Notice null in this case:

exec 'GET', 'myindex/mytype/mydoc/_search', {q:'find this'}, null