
Shows the SPF lookups for a mail host as a tree

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Shows the SPF lookups for a mail host as a tree. Currently, this only looks at include:d lookups.


Only installation from source is supported at this time. So as long as you have Go installed (v1.15+), you can do:

go get github.com/ttacon/spf-tree/cmd/spf-tree


Provide spf-tree a host and see that the SPF lookups look like:

$ spf-tree -h=asana.com
├── _spf.google.com
│   ├── _netblocks.google.com
│   ├── _netblocks2.google.com
│   └── _netblocks3.google.com
├── mktomail.com
└── mg-spf.greenhouse.io

$ spf-tree -h=duo.com
├── _spf.google.com
│   ├── _netblocks.google.com
│   ├── _netblocks2.google.com
│   └── _netblocks3.google.com
├── _spf.salesforce.com
├── mktomail.com
├── stspg-customer.com
├── _spf.intacct.com
└── servers.mcsv.net