
danger plugin to run htmllint https://www.npmjs.com/package/htmllint

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version

Danger plugin for htmllint.


$ gem install danger-htmllint

danger-htmllint depends on htmllint-cli. You need to install it before running Danger.


Set Dangerfile like this.

# Set .htmllintrc path (optional)
htmllint.rc_path = "/path/to/your/.htmllintrc"

# Set true if you want to fail CI when errors are detected (optional)
htmllint.fail_on_error = true

# Run htmllint to only added or modified files (required)


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run bundle install to setup dependencies.
  3. Run bundle exec rake spec to run the tests.
  4. Use bundle exec guard to automatically have tests run as you make changes.
  5. Make your changes.