
:cool: Write OCaml, run on node.

Primary LanguageOCaml

These are js_of_ocaml bindings to nodejs

Get all the power of the amazing node ecosystem with the sanity and type safety of OCaml. See examples and a working chat server at the end.

$ opam install nodejs


Create a file stream, gzip it, write it

open Nodejs

let _ =
  Fs.create_read_stream "code.ml" >|>
  Zlib.create_gzip () >|>
  Fs.create_write_stream "NEWCODE_TEST.ml"

Do an HTTP get request

let api_source = "https://github.com"

let () =
    ignore begin

      Nodejs.Https.get api_source begin fun incoming ->
        let collect = ref [] in

        incoming#on_data begin fun b ->
          match b with
          | Nodejs.String s -> collect := s :: !collect
          | Nodejs.Buffer b -> collect := b#to_string () :: !collect


        incoming#on_end (fun () ->
            print_endline (String.concat "" (List.rev !collect)));

  with Js.Error e -> print_endline (e##.message |> Js.to_string)

Create a site and render directly from jade templates

open Nodejs

let () =
  let exp = new Express.express in
  let app = new Express.app ~existing:None in

  app#set_app_value (`View_engine "jade");
  app#use (exp#static ".");
  app#get ~path:"/" (fun _ res -> res#render "index.jade");

  app#listen ~port:8080

Create a raw server from the Net module

let () =
  let server = Net.create_server ~conn_listener:begin fun sock ->
      sock#on_end (fun () -> print_endline "client disconnected");
      sock#write "Hello\r\n";
      sock >|> sock |> ignore
    end ()
  server#listen ~port:8124 begin fun () ->
    let info = server#address in
    print_endline info.Net.address;
    print_endline (info.Net.ip_family |> string_of_ip);
    print_endline (info.Net.port |> string_of_int);
    print_endline "started server"

Typed Decoding of Buffers

let () =
  let string_decoder = new String_decoder.decoder Utf_8 in
  let cent = new Buffer.buffer (`Array [|0xE2; 0x82; 0xAC|]) in
  (string_decoder#write cent) |> print_endline

Multicast DNS over UDP sockets, only for the local network, like a no config p2p chat application.

 1  open Nodejs
 3  module U = Yojson.Basic.Util
 5  let (multicast_addr, bind_addr, port) = "", "", 6811
 7  let () =
 8    Random.self_init ();
 9    let p = new process in
10    let user_name = ref (Printf.sprintf "User:%d" (Random.int 10000)) in
11    let listener = Udp_datagram.(create_socket ~reuse_address:true Udp4) in
12    let sender = Udp_datagram.(create_socket ~reuse_address:true Udp4) in
14    listener#bind ~port ~address:multicast_addr ~f:begin fun () ->
15      listener#add_membership multicast_addr;
16      listener#set_broadcast true;
17      listener#set_multicast_loopback true
18    end ();
21    listener#on_message begin fun b resp ->
23      let handle = b#to_string () |> json_of_string in
24      if (handle <!> "id" |> Js.to_string) <> !user_name
25      then print_string (handle <!> "message" |> Js.to_string)
27    end;
29    p#stdin#on_data begin function
30      | String _ -> ()
31      | Buffer b ->
32        let msg = b#to_string () in
33        (* This needs to be redone with Re_pcre *)
34        if String.length msg > 10 then begin
35          let modify = String.sub msg 0 9 in
36          if modify = "set name:"
37          then begin
38            let as_string = Js.string (String.trim msg) in
39            let chopped =
40              as_string##split (Js.string ":") |> to_string_list |> Array.of_list
41            in
42            user_name := chopped.(1)
43          end
44        end;
46        let msg = Printf.sprintf "%s>>>%s" !user_name (b#to_string ()) in
47        let total_message = (object%js
48          val id = !user_name |> to_js_str
49          val message = msg |> to_js_str
50          end) |> stringify
51        in
52        sender#send
53          ~offset:0
54          ~length:(String.length total_message)
55          ~port
56          ~dest_address:multicast_addr
57          (String total_message)
58      end

Working Chat Server

Working Chat Server img

Here's the example's source code: which is located along side its dependencies and make file in the examples directory.

NOTE You will still need to have npm modules installed, for instance this example uses socket.io, colors.js which means you'll need to have npm installed socket.io and colors at some point. (Although the Makefile in examples will do this npm install for you)

 1  (* Basically a translation of
 2     http://arminboss.de/2013/tutorial-how-to-create-a-basic-chat-with-node-js/ *)
 3  open Nodejs
 5  let () =
 6    let io = Socket_io.require () in
 7    let server =
 8      Http.create_server begin fun incoming response ->
10        Fs.read_file ~path:"./client.html" begin fun err data ->
11          response#write_head ~status_code:200 [("Content-type", "text/html")];
12          response#end_ ~data:(String data) ()
14        end
15      end
16    in
17    let app = server#listen ~port:8080 begin fun () ->
19        let s =
20          Printf.sprintf "Started Server and Running node: %s" (new process#version)
21        in
23        Colors_js.colorize ~msg:s ~styles:[Colors_js.Cyan_bg; Colors_js.Inverse] []
24        |> print_endline
26      end
27    in
29    let io = io#listen app in
30    io#sockets#on_connection begin fun socket ->
32      socket#on "message_to_server" begin fun data ->
34        io#sockets#emit
35          ~event_name:"message_to_client"
36          !!(object%js val message = data <!> "message" end)
38      end
39    end

The <!> infix operator is just a way to get a field of a JavaScript Object and the !! prefix operator is a way lift the js_of_ocaml object literal as a JavaScript object. Notice the high level nature of the code utilizing OCaml's features like named parameters.

The code assumes that client.html is in the same directory, it looks like this:

 1  <!DOCTYPE html>
 2  <html>
 3  <head>
 4  <script src="https://cdn.socket.io/socket.io-1.3.7.js"></script>
 5  <script type="text/javascript">
 6  var socketio = io.connect("http://localhost:8080");
 7  socketio.on("message_to_client", function(data) {
 8  document.getElementById("chatlog").innerHTML = ("<hr/>" + data['message'] +
 9  document.getElementById("chatlog").innerHTML);
10  });
12  function sendMessage() {
13    var msg = document.getElementById("message_input").value;
14    socketio.emit("message_to_server", { message : msg});
15  }
16  </script>
17  </head>
18  <body>
19          <input type="text" id="message_input"/>
20          <button onclick="sendMessage()">send</button>
21          <div id="chatlog"></div>
22  </body>
23  </html>

Steps to get the example working

I assume that you have opam and of course node installed.

  1. Get the nodejs package installed on your machine.

    $ opam install nodejs colors_js socket_io
  2. Compile chat_server.ml into a working node program.

    $ cd examples
    $ make

    and open up localhost:8080, you'll have a working node server.

    (Note that you'll only need to call make once, afterwards you can directly just invoke node with node chat_server.js.)


  1. node has a pretty big API so its going to take me a little bit of time to cover the API and the bindings that I'm also writing for express and socket.io
  2. JavaScript