
AGH University of Science and Technology Course

Primary LanguagePython


AGH University of Science and Technology Course

This repository consists of 8 tasks, it includes graph algorithms and dynamic programming methods. The second semester of this course required a knowledge of optimizing algorithms and a task to implement a process which would use it + GUI. It was a team-assignement that I made with my 2 colleagues. https://github.com/WojtekTok/batu-reasch-2ob-wtmstt

language: Python
libraries: NumPy


  1. DFS Algorithm
  2. Minimum Spanning Tree (Dijkstra-Prim Algorithm)
  3. Shortest Path Algorithms (Bellman-Ford Algorithm)
  4. Greedy Algorithms for TSP (G-TSP Algorithm)
  5. Assignment Problem (Hungarian Algorithm)
  6. Sequencing Problems (Johnson's Algorithm)
  7. Dynamic Programming (Binary 0-1 Knapsack Problem)
  8. Dynamic Programming (Optimal Size of Production Batch)