
Ruby implementation of the Sender Policy Framework

Primary LanguageRuby


The spf Ruby gem, also known as spf-ruby, is an implementation of the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) e-mail sender authentication system. It is closely based on the Mail::SPF Perl library at <search.cpan.org/~jmehnle/Mail-SPF-v2.005/>, so most of Mail::SPF’s documentation is applicable.

See <www.openspf.org> for more information about SPF.

Note: This gem is currently very early in its lifecycle. The API is not guaranteed to be stable.


require 'spf'

spf_server = SPF::Server.new

request = SPF::Request.new(
  versions:      [1, 2],             # optional
  scope:         'mfrom',            # or 'helo', 'pra'
  identity:      'fred@example.com',
  ip_address:    '',
  helo_identity: 'mta.example.com'   # optional

result = spf_server.process(request)

puts result

result_code   = result.code # :pass, :fail, etc.

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