- All CSS and JS code must be contained within their respective files
- Include jQuery, jQueryUI, and a jQueryUI theme via CDN links
- These links can be found here
- Use a SRI hash for each of these CDN links; Srihash is an excellent tool for this
- A header with the name of your "search engine" (be creative)
- A title of the same name
- A text box with an ID of "query"
- A button with a value of "Search" under your text box
- A second button that will display the current time
- An empty div with an ID of "searchResults"
- A second empty div with an ID of "time"
- Set the background of the page to an image of your choice; Unsplash is a great resource for free images
- Set the visibility of the "searchResults" and "time" divs to hidden
- Style the rest of the page however you see fit. points will be lost if little or no effort is given in styling your site
- Replace "my-api-url" under the ajax call with the url from your search API
- Replace "my-api-key" next to "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key" with the api key from your search API
- Write a function that calls the apiSearch function on a click of your search button
- Write a function that changes the background image of your site on a click of your search engine name
- Write a function that gets the current time (formatted HH:MM), loads the result into your "time" div, and displays the div as a jQueryUI dialog window on a click of your time button
- Publish the site to Azure
Implement a "I'm feeling lucky" button. This button should take the user to the first web page returned from your search API Modify the function that changes your background image so that each click cycles through two different images without refreshing the page