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ℹ️ Overview

InterLink aims to provide an abstraction for the execution of a Kubernetes pod on any remote resource capable of managing a container execution lifecycle.


  • TBD


  • TBD

The project consists of two main components:

  • A Kubernetes Virtual Node: based on the VirtualKubelet technology. Translating request for a kubernetes pod execution into a remote call to the interLink API server.
  • The interLink API server: a modular and pluggable REST server where you can create your own container manager plugin (called sidecars), or use the existing ones: remote docker execution on a remote host, singularity container on a remote SLURM batch system.

The project is reusing and get inspired by the KNoC boilerplates at different levels, implementing the generic API layer in place of an ssh execution as the original contribution.


This repository includes:

  • License information
  • Copyright and author information
  • Code of conduct and contribution guidelines
  • Templates for PR and issues
  • Code owners file for automatic assignment of PR reviewers
  • GitHub actions workflows for linting and checking links

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Quick references:

⏩ Quick Start

Virtual node setup

❕ Requirements

  • A working Kubernetes instance >1.24
    • if you are in a hurry:
      • curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION=v1.25.11+k3s1 INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--tls-san X.X.X.X" sh -s - --disable traefik --disable metric-server
        • you do need --tls-san X.X.X.X only in case of a machine with a Floating IP attached
        • k3s kubect get node to check whenever the cluster is ready
  • Kubectl
  • Docker

Bring up the virtual node

Fastest way to start using interlink, is by deploying a VK in Kubernetes using the prebuilt image:

kubectl create ns vk
kubectl apply -n vk -k ./kustomizations

In ./kustomizations you can then play with the different configuration and deployment files in order to customize your setup, as described here .

Setup a Dummy remote executer

  • Then, use Docker Compose to create and start up containers:
    docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d
  • You are now running:
    • A Virtual Kubelet
    • The InterLink service
    • A Docker Sidecar
  • Submit a YAML to your K8S cluster to test it. You could try:
    kubectl apply -f examples/busyecho_k8s.yaml -n vk

You will see know a container starting up on your host, but managed by the docker compose interlink daemons.

🔧 Kustomizing your Virtual Kubelet

To customize your virtual node deployment edit the configuration files within the kustomizations directory:

  • kustomization.yaml: here you can specify resource files and generate configMaps
  • deployment.yaml: that's the main file you want to edit. Nested into spec -> template -> spec -> containers you can find these fields:
    • name: the container name
    • image: Here you can specify which image to use, if you need another one.
    • args: These are the arguments passed to the VK binary running inside the container.
    • env: Environment Variables used by kubelet and by the VK itself. Check the ENVS list for a detailed explanation on how to set them.
  • knoc-cfg.json: it's the config file for the VK itself. Here you can specify how many resources to allocate for the VK. Note that the name specified here for the VK must match the name given in the others config files.
  • InterLinkConfig.yaml: configuration file for the inbound/outbound communication (and not only) to/from the InterLink module. For a detailed explanation of all fields, check the InterLink Config File section. If you perform any change to the listed files, you will have to
kubectl apply -n vk -k ./kustomizations

You can also use Environment Variables to overwrite the majority of default values and even the ones configured in the InterLink Config file. Check the Environment Variables list for a detailed explanation.

Going serious with InterLink and Sidecars

You can find instructions on how to get started with installation script (itwinctl) here.

ℹ️ InterLink Config file

Detailed explanation of the InterLink config file key values.

Key Value
InterlinkURL the URL to allow the Virtual Kubelet to contact the InterLink module.
SidecarURL the URL to allow InterLink to communicate with the Sidecar module (docker, slurm, etc). Do not specify port here
InterlinkPort the Interlink listening port. InterLink and VK will communicate over this port.
SidecarService the sidecar service. At the moment, it can be only "slurm" or "docker". According to the specified service, InterLink will automatically set the listening port to 4000 for Docker and 4001 for Slurm. set $SIDECARPORT environment variable to specify a custom one
SbatchPath path to your Slurm's sbatch binary
ScancelPath path to your Slurm's scancel binary
VKTokenFile path to a file containing your token fot OAuth2 proxy authentication.
CommandPrefix here you can specify a prefix for the programmatically generated script (for the slurm plugin). Basically, if you want to run anything before the script itself, put it here.
ExportPodData Set it to true if you want to export Pod's ConfigMaps and Secrets as mountpoints in your Singularity container
DataRootFolder Specify where to store the exported ConfigMaps/Secrets locally
ServiceAccount The Service Account name to generate a limited KubeConfig to be passed to your Sidecars
Namespace Namespace where Pods in your K8S will be registered
Tsocks true or false values only. Enables or Disables the use of tsocks library to allow proxy networking. Only implemented for the Slurm sidecar at the moment.
TsocksPath path to your tsocks library.
TsocksLoginNode specify an existing node to ssh to. It will be your "window to the external world"

ℹ️ Environment Variables list

Here's the complete list of every customizable environment variable. When specified, it overwrites the listed key within the InterLink config file.

Env Value
VK_CONFIG_PATH VK config file path
INTERLINKURL the URL to allow the Virtual Kubelet to contact the InterLink module. Do not specify a port here. Overwrites InterlinkURL.
INTERLINKPORT the InterLink listening port. InterLink and VK will communicate over this port. Overwrites InterlinkPort.
INTERLINKCONFIGPATH your InterLink config file path. Default is ./kustomizations/InterLinkConfig.yaml
SIDECARURL the URL to allow InterLink to communicate with the Sidecar module (docker, slurm, etc). Do not specify port here. Overwrites SidecarURL.
SIDECARPORT the Sidecar listening port. Docker default is 4000, Slurm default is 4001.
SIDECARSERVICE can be "docker" or "slurm" only (for the moment). If SIDECARPORT is not set, will set Sidecar Port in the code to default settings. Overwrites SidecarService.
SBATCHPATH path to your Slurm's sbatch binary. Overwrites SbatchPath.
SCANCELPATH path to your Slurm's scancel binary. Overwrites ScancelPath.
VKTOKENFILE path to a file containing your token fot OAuth2 proxy authentication. Overwrites VKTokenFile.
SHARED_FS set this env to "true" to save configmaps values inside files directly mounted to Singularity containers instead of using ENVS to create them later
CUSTOMKUBECONF path to a service account kubeconfig
TSOCKS true or false, to use tsocks library allowing proxy networking. Working on Slurm sidecar at the moment. Overwrites Tsocks.
TSOCKSPATH path to your tsocks library. Overwrites TsocksPath.

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All changes should go through Pull Requests.

Merge management

  • Only squash should be enforced in the repository settings.
  • Update commit message for the squashed commits as needed.

Protection on main branch

To be configured on the repository settings.

  • Require pull request reviews before merging
    • Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed
    • Require review from Code Owners
  • Require status checks to pass before merging
    • GitHub actions if available
    • Other checks as available and relevant
    • Require branches to be up to date before merging
  • Include administrators