
Face Recognizer with openCV of python

Primary LanguagePython


My first project

I wanted make a face recognizer using openCv in python.

Here is function i made

1. Face Collector.py

if you execute Face_Collector, this program will collecting 10 face image data
This face Collector is also using at face Recognizer.py

2. Face Training.py

first this program ask you your ID and password
second it request 10 face image datas at Database
third it create Training data file using your image data

3. Face Recognizer.py

now program is recognize your face for 5 second
if recognize over 25 frame in time admit your access
else your access is deny

if program admit your access, it will update your image data at database. delete oldest image data and insert lastest image data

4. Start.py

Manage files