
Primary LanguagePython


Encrypto is a Python-based file encryption and decryption tool. It provides a simple and secure way to encrypt and decrypt files within a directory, ensuring the confidentiality of your sensitive data.


  • Encrypts files within the specified directory
  • Decrypts encrypted files using the encryption key-
  • Provides a progress bar to track the encryption/decryption process
  • Uses the Fernet encryption algorithm from the cryptography library

Getting Started


  1. Place the files you want to encrypt/decrypt in the same directory as the Encrypto.exe

  2. Run the file. This will encrypt all the files within the directory, except the key file and the encrypto.py script.

  3. To decrypt files, make sure you have the key file (key.key) in the project directory, and then run the Encrypto.exe again.

This will decrypt the previously encrypted files using the key file.

  1. Follow the on-screen instructions and monitor the progress bar to track the encryption/decryption process.


  • Encrypto uses the Fernet encryption algorithm from the cryptography library, which is a strong and secure encryption algorithm based on symmetric key cryptography.
  • It generates a unique key file (key.key) that is required for both encryption and decryption. Make sure to keep this key file secure and do not share it with unauthorized individuals.