
This package contains the source code which is associated with the following paper:

Wei Tang, Yu Liu, Juan Cheng, Chang Li, Xun Chen, "Green Fluorescent Protein and Phase Contrast Image Fusion via Detail Preserving Cross Network", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2021. (under review, second round)

Edited by Yu Liu.   

Usage of this code is free for research purposes only. 

The DPCN model is learned by tensorflow. The training code will be released if the paper could be accepted for publication. 

Thank you.


    CUDA  10
    Python  3.6
    Tensorflow  1.9.0
    numpy  1.16.2



    Don't hesitate to contact me if you meet any problems when using this code.

    Yu Liu
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Hefei University of Technology                                                            
    Email: yuliu@hfut.edu.cn; lyuxxz@163.com
    Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/yuliu316316; https://github.com/yuliu316316

Last update: 12-Apr-2021