This repository contains a custom application built to administer expert surveys, with a defined review process.
It uses a Google Docs back-end to define the surveys and store data, and implements a workflow with three main roles:
- Coordinator
- Primary researcher
- Reviewer
And each survey can be taken through a workflow covering:
- Initial research
- Spot check by coordinator
- Peer review - reviewers can comment but not update information
- Secondary research
- Spot check by coordinator
- Final validation
It incorporates a range of question types, and conditional logic for the display of survey information. It manages log-in and authentication using Google accounts, and sends e-mail notifications at each stage of the process.
The current implementation was written against the Google Docs platform as of early 2014. Some changes may be required to deploy it against updated platforms.
Development was undertaken by Oomph Inc. for the World Wide Web Foundation with some of the funding for this work originating in the open data common assessmnet methods component of IDRC grant 107075.
This document summarises the deployment of the Web Index / Open Data Barometer survey tool.
The survey tool consists of four main components:
(1) Front End Application
An Angular.js single page application, supported by a php web-proxy.
The Angular.js application is found in this repository, and should be deployed to the root of a server.
The php proxy also takes care of storing uploaded files, using a Google Files API instance attached to a defined google account, and then sharing the files with the researcher/reviewer/coordinator as the survey is loaded when moving between states.
(2) Survey Definitions These are found in the Templates folder in Web Foundation Web Index Survey 2014 with two sheets: one defining the sections of the survey, and the other defining the questions in each section.
A template Answers sheet is also found in the Templates folder.
(3) Back-end scripts These are attached to a Control Sheet spreadsheet from which the current state of surveys can be seen and reviewed.
Triggers need to be configured to be run the scripts on updates to the spreadsheet.
An hourly trigger should be set up to check each answer sheet for changes of state (e.g. research completed) and to update the control sheet.
(4) Data extract scripts
Used to take data from individual survey responses and aggregate it to a single file.
Knowledge of Google Docs and google docs scripts will be required to configure this platform.
Elements remain customised to the Web Foundation use of it, and will need to be adapted for other use cases.
Only limited testing of this process has been carried out, so make sure you have time and capacity to trouble-shoot if you do start down this path...
(1) Create a new version of the survey questions spreadsheet
This sheet will need to be made globally readable. Often Google Apps for your Organisation file permissions prevent files owned by organisation accounts from being shared to/published to non-logged in users outside the organistion domain. As a result you may need to create this new sheet with a personal Google account.
The 2014 Open Data Barometer Master Question Sheet to copy is found here or an Excel copy is located in the /resources/ folder.
[ToDo: Upload Excel version of this to repository]
(2) Edit the Survey Questions sheet to reflect the questions you want asked
Sections are defined on the Sections sheet, and questions on the Question sheet. The template should give a sense of how the conditional supplementary questions and other features operate.
Survey descriptions can include Markdown.
- At present this will need to be imported/copied to an old version Google Spreadsheet and should not be updated to the new sheets, as otherwise certain cross-site issues occur.
(3) Set the sharing settings so that anyone with the link can view this spreadsheet.
(1) Checkout the code from and point a domain / subdomain to this directory
(2) Go to the Google Developer Console at and
- Set up a new application
- Go to APIs & Auth
- Enable the Drive API under APIs
- Go to Credentials
- Create a new ClientID for the Web Application with a valid javascript origin for the site where the service will be hosted
- Create a new ClientID for a Service Account and generate a p12 key (save this somewhere securely)
(2) Edit the js/w3f-survey.js file configuration:
MASTER_KEY - should be the spreadsheet key of the Survey Questions spreadsheet CLIENT_ID - should be the Client ID given in the Google Developer Console, prepared at step 2 SERVICE_ACCOUNT - should by the E-mail address given in the Google Developer Console, prepared at step 2.
(3) Rename survey-config-sample.php to survey-config.php and edit it to provide:
- The Service Account Details
- A path to where you have uploaded the p12 key obtained in step 2.
Edit the proxy.config file in a text editor and introduce your domain for allowedReferers or mustMatch="false" to proxy any site (only recommended for testing purpouses).
- Test that the proxy is installed and available:
- Test that the proxy is able to forward requests directly in the browser using:
See the [instructions] ( for more advanced settings and troubleshooting.
(1) Make a copy of the Control Sheet template and the Answer Template
Examples of these files are found in the /resources/ folder.
Upload these to Google Docs, and take note of their document keys (ids).
Note: Triggers will need to be set up by the documents owner, and e-mails triggered by the system will come from this address.
If you create a new Control Sheet using these offline templates, then you will need to attach the scripts using the Script Manager. Copies of the control scripts can be found in the GitHub repository under /gdocs-scripts/
Handlers, Loaders, Main and md5 all need to be attached to the control sheet.
fetchdata can either be attached to the control sheet, or to another sheet with a 'Data' and 'Notes' tab.
(2) Update the Answer Template to reflect the survey being carried out, and the URL of the survey tool
(3) Edit the 'Config' tab of the Control sheet to reflect the location of the Master Question Sheet, the folder where new sheets should be filed, and the Answer Template.
(4) Edit other 'Config' and 'Email' values as required.
(5) Setup triggers Triggers should be set up as a single user. This user will be the one whose account is used to send out notification mails etc.
- Go to Tools > Script Editor
- Choose Resources > Current Triggers
- Add two triggers - one for ‘onUpdate’ driven ‘From Spreadsheet’ by ‘On edit’ events, and the other for ‘periodicUpdate’ as a ‘Time-driven’ event on an hourly timer.
(6) Tweak the scripts
- Update line 26 and 32 to reflect the URL of the survey online.
The Control sheet is used to create, update and manage surveys. You must not change the column order of the control sheet, but you may re-purpose any columns not used for other tasks.
When adding new lines, be sure to copy the validation criteria from the rows above. Inserting rows before the last configured row is a good way to do this.
Each row represents one survey.
- Column B contains the name of an individual survey. In the Web Index case, this is one survey for each Country, but it could be city, organisation and so-on depending on application of the tool.
- Column C contains a drop-down list used to trigger updates to the row. Whilst an hourly trigger should refresh data, this can be used to force updates.
- Column E contains the status of the survey. Changing this from '0. Recruitment' to '1. Initial research' will create a survey sheet if one does not already exist.
- Column F and G contain links to the underlying data, and front-end survey for a row
- Column H and J are used for notes
- Column J is automatically set to the deadline for the current stage of the survey research to be complete (times allowed for each stage are set in column E of the 'StatusList' tab.
- Column K - P are used for Coorindator, Researcher and Reviewer deatils. The e-mail columns can contain a comma separated list of e-mail addresses to be notified of status changes, but the first in each list must be a google account, as this is what will be used to authenticate the user.
- Column Q is where the spreadsheet key of the answer sheet will be recorded by the scripts. This must not be changed manually.
- Columns R - T can be used for notes
- Columns U onwards will be automatically set whenever the row is reset with a count of the number of answered questions in each section of the survey. The headings can be changed to reflect the sections in your survey. This provides an at-a-glance view of progress in completing each survey.
To launch a survey, add a row with a value in column B, and then Coordinator, Researcher and Reviewer details
Change Column E (Current Status) from 0. Recruitment to 1. Recruitment.
If everything is working, this should trigger a script to generate a new answer spreadsheet from the template, to share this with the researcher, and to e-mail them details of how to access it.
They can then answer questions, and submit the survey to the next stage of the process. The hourly update triggers should then notify the coordinator when this has happened, and allow them to check and move the survey through subsequent processes.
The control sheet can be used to move the survey through processes at any time, and to force a refresh of the status using the drop-down in Column C.
When data has been gathered, the fetchData script in /gdoc-scripts/ can be run against any spreadsheet with a 'Data' tab. This will read the control sheet, look for answer sheets, and copy their contents into the 'Data' tab of the sheet it is run against.