
Dentist Appointment API in Laravel 10

Primary LanguagePHP

About Appointment

Build the backend of an api to manage users and appointments.

During covid, my dentist office specifically kept calling me to change appointments- It made me wonder how things are done from their end and how to possibly make the experience better overall.

This api is specifically for a dentist’s office to help manage their database.

If you would like to follow along in the series - The playlist link for this video can be found here

Tech stack

- Laravel/PHP
- Postgres

Project setup

  • Create .env file

    • This should be a replica of the .env.example, add the following:
    • DB_CONNECTION=pgsql
    • DB_HOST=
    • DB_PORT=
    • DB_DATABASE=appointment
    • DB_USERNAME=root

    NOTE: Password and Username is whatever you set it to.

  • Postgres

    • Install Postgres online
    • Apps I use (Mac user so you may have to find alternatives):
      • Postgres App - Postgres server
      • Postbird - To see the database
  • Install dependencies

    • Clone project locally, navigate to where you placed it and then run composer install
  • View API in Browser

    • In your terminal, type php artisan serve
      • It should respond with the server port:

        INFO Server running on [].

  • View Emails

    • I'm using Mailtrap, use your preferred mail service
      • Update the Mail attributes in your .env file based on the Settings in the Mail service you choose

How to view api (Non browser)

Use Postman install here - Example route to visit Get all users:

How to run Test

  • Initialise the database seeder by running the command: php artisan db:seed
  • Remove all tables and add new data: php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  • Use this command to run a current test php artisan test --filter AppointmentTest
    • NOTE: --filter allows you to run one test class

If you need to make changes to the database:

  • Run the command: php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  • Make your changes
  • Then run the command php artisan db:seed and confirm your changes in the database.