
Practicing Github with a small project. Participants use git to create a page and write three points about themselves. Afterward, participants create pull requests of their code.

Primary LanguageHTML

Let's code this 💪

Fork and Clone this Repo

Follow these steps to start developing locally on this repository!

  1. Fork the repository using the "Fork" button on the top-right part of the page.

  2. Once the repository is forked, clone it by running the following command in your terminal:

git clone git@github.com:<your-username>/github-demo.git
  1. Make sure you're in the directory of the project

The response should have these contents

If you don't see that, then you'll need to navigate to the correct directory/folder cd github-demo then ls to check again to verify your directory looks like the above image

  1. Set this repository as a git remote:
git remote add upstream git@github.com:STEM-ENRG/github-demo.git
  1. Open the html file in your browser
open index.html

This command should open in a browser


  1. Create a new branch:
git checkout -b <your-branch-name>
  1. Add your changes in the index.html and add a html file in the your-turn directory (there additional comments in the code to help you with this)

  2. Add and commit your changes

git add .


git commit -m "added my changes"
  1. Push to your forked repo:
git push -u origin <your-branch-name>

Ex. if your branch name was tiffany

Then you would type:

git push -u origin tiffany
  1. Create a new pull request on this repository