
This project is split to multiple environments. In this fork of the project we initialized the Tiago environment (see folder Tiago). This environment has multiple scenarios

On the other hand there are the deep learning models that were trained differently and compared to get the best results in folder deep_heuristic/models. The folder deep_heuristic also has the data generation tools, some utils, debug and visualisation tools.

To experiment with the models please navigate to deep_heuristic/models and run the module exp after loading some data drom the nn_utils module or a depth image of your choice.

Use Sphere GNN to represent the surroundings of a target object

  1. Draw a minimum sphere around the target object.
  2. Sample points on the sphere by single-sphere icosahedral discretization.
  3. Graph convolutions from a higher resolution grid to a lower.

Deep heuristic for approachability prediction