forked from the Annotate aka AnnotateModels gem
A Ruby Gem that adds annotations to your Rails models and route files.
Adds comments summarizing the model schema or routes in your:
- ActiveRecord models
- Fixture files
- Tests and Specs
- FactoryBot factories
file (for Rails projects)
The schema comment looks like this:
# == Schema Information
# Table name: tasks
# id :integer not null, primary key
# content :string
# count :integer
# status :boolean
# created_at :datetime not null
# updated_at :datetime not null
class Task < ApplicationRecord
$ gem install annotaterb
Or install it into your Rails project through the Gemfile:
group :development do
gem "annotaterb"
For Rails projects, model files can get automatically annotated after migration tasks. To do this, run the following command:
$ bin/rails g annotate_rb:install
This will copy a rake task into your Rails project's lib/tasks
directory that will hook into the Rails project rake tasks, automatically running AnnotateRb after database migration rake tasks.
To skip the automatic annotation that happens after a db task, pass the environment variable ANNOTATERB_SKIP_ON_DB_TASKS=1
before your command.
$ ANNOTATERB_SKIP_ON_DB_TASKS=1 bin/rails db:migrate
Refer to the migration guide.
AnnotateRb has a CLI that you can use to add or remove annotations.
# To show the CLI options
$ bundle exec annotaterb
Usage: annotaterb [command] [options]
models [options]
routes [options]
-v, --version Display the version..
-h, --help You're looking at it.
Annotate model options:
Usage: annotaterb models [options]
-a, --active-admin Annotate active_admin models
--show-migration Include the migration version number in the annotation
-k, --show-foreign-keys List the table's foreign key constraints in the annotation
--ck, --complete-foreign-keys
Complete foreign key names in the annotation
-i, --show-indexes List the table's database indexes in the annotation
-s, --simple-indexes Concat the column's related indexes in the annotation
--hide-limit-column-types VALUES
don't show limit for given column types, separated by commas (i.e., `integer,boolean,text`)
--hide-default-column-types VALUES
don't show default for given column types, separated by commas (i.e., `json,jsonb,hstore`)
--ignore-unknown-models don't display warnings for bad model files
-I, --ignore-columns REGEX don't annotate columns that match a given REGEX (i.e., `annotate -I '^(id|updated_at|created_at)'`
--with-comment include database comments in model annotations
Annotate routes options:
Usage: annotaterb routes [options]
--ignore-routes REGEX don't annotate routes that match a given REGEX (i.e., `annotate -I '(mobile|resque|pghero)'`
--timestamp Include timestamp in (routes) annotation
--w, --wrapper STR Wrap annotation with the text passed as parameter.
If --w option is used, the same text will be used as opening and closing
--wo, --wrapper-open STR Annotation wrapper opening.
--wc, --wrapper-close STR Annotation wrapper closing
Command options:
Additional options that work for annotating models and routes
--additional-file-patterns path1,path2,path3
Additional file paths or globs to annotate, separated by commas (e.g. `/foo/bar/%model_name%/*.rb,/baz/%model_name%.rb`)
-d, --delete Remove annotations from all model files or the routes.rb file
--model-dir dir Annotate model files stored in dir rather than app/models, separate multiple dirs with commas
--root-dir dir Annotate files stored within root dir projects, separate multiple dirs with commas
--ignore-model-subdirects Ignore subdirectories of the models directory
--sort Sort columns alphabetically, rather than in creation order
--classified-sort Sort columns alphabetically, but first goes id, then the rest columns, then the timestamp columns and then the association columns
-R, --require path Additional file to require before loading models, may be used multiple times
-e [tests,fixtures,factories,serializers],
--exclude Do not annotate fixtures, test files, factories, and/or serializers
-f [bare|rdoc|yard|markdown], Render Schema Information as plain/RDoc/Yard/Markdown
-p [before|top|after|bottom], Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of the model/test/fixture/factory/route/serializer file(s)
--pc, --position-in-class [before|top|after|bottom]
Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of the model file
--pf, --position-in-factory [before|top|after|bottom]
Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of any factory files
--px, --position-in-fixture [before|top|after|bottom]
Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of any fixture files
--pt, --position-in-test [before|top|after|bottom]
Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of any test files
--pr, --position-in-routes [before|top|after|bottom]
Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of the routes.rb file
--ps, --position-in-serializer [before|top|after|bottom]
Place the annotations at the top (before) or the bottom (after) of the serializer files
--force Force new annotations even if there are no changes.
--debug Prints the options and outputs messages to make it easier to debug.
--frozen Do not allow to change annotations. Exits non-zero if there are going to be changes to files.
--trace If unable to annotate a file, print the full stack trace, not just the exception message.
Previously in the Annotate you could pass options through the CLI or store them as environment variables. Annotaterb removes dependency on the environment variables and instead can read values from a .annotaterb.yml
file stored in the Rails project root.
# .annotaterb.yml
position: after
Annotaterb reads first from the configuration file, if it exists, then merges it with any options passed into the CLI.
For further details visit the section in the migration guide.
If you want to always skip annotations on a particular model, add this string anywhere in the file:
# -*- SkipSchemaAnnotations
By default, columns will be sorted in database order (i.e. the order in which migrations were run).
If you prefer to sort alphabetically so that the results of annotation are
consistent regardless of what order migrations are executed in, use --sort
Released under the same license as Ruby. No Support. No Warranty.