
Logging module for consistent logging between Perennial's services.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Logging module for Node.js, implementation of these specs.

The implementation is in BETA stage.


The purpose of this module is to bring consistent logging functionality across the Perennial services with minimal required effort from the developer, while still providing low level access for custom logging with output according to the specs.

  • Automatic logging of console output.
  • Automatic logging of HTTP request.
  • Automatic logging of unhandled exceptions.
  • Domain sensitive logging - all logging done in the context of an HTTP request is associated with this request.
  • File writes are buffered until the file is actually opened - so nothing is blocked and one can use semi-sync API without any blocking.
  • Fully async with support for deferred creation of files and directories - nothing will be created until something is actually written.


npm install https://github.com/Perennials/logging-node/tarball/master


The module provides the LoggedHttpApp class which implements domain and error handling, as well as hooking of the console output and HTTP requests. The low level logging classes can be used separately but the automatic logging capabilities will remain unused. Running this example (it can be found in the examples directory) and requesting localhost:1337 will create log session with a bunch of records.

The LoggedHttpApp class extends HttpApp of the App module. Check the links for explanation of the concept of reusing the HttpApp class.

"use strict"

var LoggedHttpApp = require( 'Logging/LoggedHttpApp' );
var LoggedHttpAppRequest = require( 'Logging/LoggedHttpAppRequest' );

// this will be instantiated by LoggedHttpApp whenever we have a new request coming in
class MyAppRequest extends LoggedHttpAppRequest {

	constructor ( app, req, res ) {
		// call the parent constructor
		// customize options for log session that will be created in the constructor
		var logOptions = {
			LogPolicy: app.getLogPolicy(),
			SessionProps: {
				DirectoryFormat: 'myapp-{SessionType}-{SessionIndex}{SessionName}'
			UnchunkHttp: true
		super( app, req, res, logOptions );

		// open a log stream, that is file, in which we can write data
		// don't forget to close it or our app will not close
		this._logStream = this._logSession.openRecord( [ 'RECORD_STREAM', 'DATA_XML' ] );
		this._logStream.write( '<log>\n' );

	// make sure we clean what we have opened
	// logsession will not be closed properly if we have open streams
	cleanup () {
		this._logStream.write( '</log>' );
	onError ( err ) {

		// log some line in our stream
		this._logStream.write( '<ERROR>Unhandled error "' + err.message + '"</ERROR>\n' );

		// this will be copied to a file in the log session
		console.error( 'Damn, error happened with this specific client request', Object.toString( this._request ) );

		// finish the response so we can close the server
		this._response.writeHead( 500, {
			'Connection': 'close',
		} );

		// call the default handler, which will log the error and abort the app
		super.onError( err );

	// this will be called when we have the whole http request
	onHttpContent ( content ) {

		// log some line in our stream
		this._logStream.write( '<INFO>HTTP request received</INFO>\n' );

		// write a log record in the context of the HTTP request
		this._logSession.write( { some: 'json' }, [ 'MyRecord', 'RECORD_GENERIC','DATA_JSON' ] )

		// we have the full request at this point, headers and content
		console.log( 'A request came from', this._request.headers[ 'user-agent' ], '.' );

		doSomethingWithThe( this._request, function ( good ) {

			// normal nodejs handling of the response
			this._response.writeHead( good ? 200 : 500, {
				'Connection': 'close',
				'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
			} );
			this._response.end( 'bye' );

		} );


// this is used for logging outside of a request context
class MyApp extends LoggedHttpApp {

	constructor ( appRequest ) {
		var logOptions = {
			LogPolicy: 'LOG_ALL_ON_ERROR',
			SessionProps: {
				DirectoryFormat: 'myapp-{SessionType}-{SessionIndex}{SessionName}'
			UnchunkHttp: true,
			// log sessions will be written in this directory, or the temp directory
			StorageDir: __dirname
		super( appRequest, logOptions );

// construct a new HttpApp, tell it our request class is MyAppRequest
var app = new MyApp( MyAppRequest, );

// log something in the app log session
console.log( 'Starting to listen on' );
console.error( 'Ops.' );
app.startListening( 1337, '' );


Session and record properties

When opening a session or a record, the corresponding function accepts a list of properties for the new object. They can be passed either as an object of key-value pairs or an array of predefined labels. These labels will be converted to an object with the corresponding key-value pairs. A label is simply a string and provides a level of abstraction and convenience over the key-value pairs of the specs.

If a label is not recognized as one of the supported values, it will be treated as a Name for the session or the record. For example MyRecordName will be translated to Name: 'MyRecordName'.

If an on object is passed in the labels array, its properties will be used as they are.

Session labels

The meaning of the keys and values is explained elsewhere.

  • SESSION_GENERIC, translates to SessionType: 'GENERIC'.
  • SESSION_SERVER_REQUEST, translates to SessionType: 'SERVER_REQUEST'.
  • SESSION_APP_RUN , translates to SessionType: 'APP_RUN'.

Record labels

The meaning of the keys and values is explained elsewhere.

  • RECORD_META, translates to RecordType: 'META'.
  • RECORD_CLOSE, translates to RecordType: 'CLOSE'.
  • RECORD_GENERIC, translates to RecordType: 'GENERIC'.
  • RECORD_DEBUG, translates to RecordType: 'DEBUG'.
  • RECORD_EXCEPTION, translates to RecordType: 'EXCEPTION'.
  • RECORD_STREAM, translates to RecordType: 'STREAM'.
  • RECORD_SERVER_REQUEST, translates to RecordType: 'SERVER_REQUEST'.
  • RECORD_SERVER_ENV, translates to RecordType: 'SERVER_ENV'.
  • RECORD_SERVER_RESPONSE, translates to RecordType: 'SERVER_RESPONSE'.
  • RECORD_HTTP_REQUEST, translates to RecordType: 'HTTP_REQUEST'.
  • RECORD_HTTP_RESPONSE, translates to RecordType: 'HTTP_RESPONSE'.
  • DATA_BINARY, translates to DataType: 'BINARY'.
  • DATA_JSON, translates to DataType: 'JSON'.
  • DATA_XML, translates to DataType: 'XML'.
  • DATA_TEXT, translates to DataType: 'TEXT'.
  • DATA_HTML, translates to DataType: 'HTML'.


Extends HttpApp. This is the main application class. It takes care of hooking the console output and HTTP requests of the application. The logging is domain aware and cooperates with LoggedHttpAppRequest - so the logs will be saved in the context of the current LoggedHttpAppRequest, if any. If there is no current request context the logs will be saved in the application level log session.

var LoggedHttpApp = require( 'Logging/LoggedHttpApp' );



The appRequest parameter is a constructor for a class derived LoggedHttpAppRequest. The logOptions, if provided, is passed to .initLogging(), otherwise logging will not be initialized until .initLogging() is called. To initialize logging in the constructor with the default options pass an empty object {}.

The constructor will instantiate an empty Config object.

The constructor will create a DeferredLog and DeferredSession. That is an application log session. Log outside the context of an HTTP request (i.e. LoggedHttpAppRequest) will be saved in this session. The session directory will only be created if any data is actually logged.

new LoggedHttpApp (

Initializes the logging.

Remarks: Upon calling this function all console output and HTTP requests will be hooked. The side effect of this is that two instances of this class can not be constructed at the same time, if they both want to do logging. Constructing a second instance of this class requires .close()ing the first instance in order to work properly.


The options object accepts the following form, where no option is mandatory:

	StorageDir: String,
	SessionProps: Object|Array,
	LogPolicy: String,
	LogEnvironment: Boolean,
	LogConsole: Boolean,
	LogHttp: Boolean,
	UnchunkHttp: Boolean
Property Description
StorageDir Where log sessions will be created. If not provided the system temp dir will be used.
SessionProps Properties for creating the log session. See .openSession().
LogPolicy 'LOG_ALL', 'LOG_NOTHING', 'LOG_ALL_ON_ERROR'. The default is 'LOG_ALL'. 'LOG_ALL_ON_ERROR' will buffer the logs and flush them only if some error happens, otherwise they will be discarded when the log session is closed. Buffering the records may increase the memory usage of the application, but will probably result in better performance than 'LOG_ALL'.
LogEnvironment If this is false the process environment will not be logged. Defaults to true.
LogConsole If this is false the console.log() and console.error() calls will not be intercepted and logged. Defaults to true.
LogHttp If this is false HTTP requests will not be intercepted and logged. Defaults to true.
UnchunkHttp If this is true HTTP requests/responses will be converted to human readable format before they are logged - this means chunking and compression will be removed. Defaults to false, which will log the HTTP requests/responses unaltered. Changing this may also have performance implications due to additional processing.

Retrieves the log engine associated with the application.

.getLog() : DeferredLog;

Retrieves the log session associated with the application.

.getLogSession() : DeferredSession;
.setLogPolicy() / .getLogPolicy()

Sets the logging policy for the object. Valid policies are 'LOG_ALL', 'LOG_NOTHING' and 'LOG_ALL_ON_ERROR'. The meaning of these options is described in .initLogging().

) : this;
.getLogPolicy() : String;

Implements a close handler for the application. It will close all log sessions created by the application and the LoggedHttpAppRequests.


Logging HTTP requests

Normally HTTP requests will be hooked by the LoggedHttpApp class and will be logged automatically. One can control the logging of these requests by placing a property called LogRecord inside the options passed to node's http.request() function.

Disabling the logging of a specific request

To skip the logging of an HTTP request pass LogRecord: false.

var http = require( 'http' );
var request = http.request( {
	method: 'GET',
	host: 'perennial.de',
	port: 80,
	LogRecord: false
} );
// ...
Specifying options for the log record

If the LogRecord.RequestProps and LogRecord.ResponseProps is an object or an array, it will be passed directly to the .openRecord() function. Changing the data type or the record type is not recommended, but one can change the name in order to be able to identify a specific request easily. LogRecord.UnchunkHttp, if defined, can be used to override this option, which is otherwise passed when the log session is created, on per-request basis.

var http = require( 'http' );
var request = http.request( {
	method: 'GET',
	host: 'perennial.de',
	port: 80,
	LogRecord: { 
		RequestProps: { Name: 'MyRequest' }, 
		ResponseProps: { Name: 'MyResponse' },
		UnchunkHttp: false
} );
// ...


Extends HttpAppRequest.

This class should be derived and the constructor passed to the constructor of LoggedHttpApp. A new instance will be created for each incoming HTTP request.

var LoggedHttpAppRequest = require( 'Logging/LoggedHttpAppRequest' );



Should not be used directly, but only called in the constructor of the derived classes in order to perform the default initialization and domain handling. The logOptions, if provided, is passed to .initLogging(), otherwise logging will not be initialized until .initLogging() is called. To initialize logging in the constructor with the default options pass an empty object {}.

new LoggedHttpAppRequest(
	app: LoggedHttpApp,
	req: IncommingMessage,
	res: ServerResponse,

Initializes the logging in the context of this request.


The options are the same as with LoggedHttpApp.initLogging(), except for StorageDir, which is not a valid option here.


Retrieves the log session associated with the request.

.getLogSession() : DeferredSession|null;

Retrieves the log stream used for logging the console. The name is either Stdout or Stderr.

) : DeferredRecord|null;
.setLogPolicy() / .getLogPolicy()

Sets the logging policy for the object. Valid policies are 'LOG_ALL', 'LOG_NOTHING' and 'LOG_ALL_ON_ERROR'. The meaning of these options is described in .initLogging().

) : this;
.getLogPolicy() : String;

Normally this function will be called by the .onClose() handler of the application. It will close the log session associated with HTTP request and dispose the domain.


The default domain error handler will log the error as EXCEPTION in the session and then call the parent handler which will print the error to stderr and close the application.

.onError( err:Error );


This class is part of the low-level API and normally shouldn't be used directly, but only via LoggedHttpApp and LoggedHttpAppRequest.

var FileLog = require( 'Logging/FileLog' );



Constructor. storageUri is a directory where sessions will be created. callback will be called when the underlying file is opened and ready for use. The err parameter will be populated if there was problem while verifying the storage path passed to the constructor, in which case the system's temp directory will be used as storage location.

new FileLog(
	callback:function( err:Error|null, log:FileLog )|undefined

Creates a new FileSession. It will be created as a subdirectory in the location specified for the LogLog. The naming of the directory is determined by the property DirectoryFormat, or fall back to the default in FileSession.DirectoryFormat.

	callback:function( err:Error|null, session:FileSession )|undefined
) : FileSession;
Argument Description
props A list of properties or labels for the session.
callback A function to be notified when the session is opened and ready for use (or when an error prevented this from happening). Since a meta record will be created upon opening the session, the callback will be invoked after the record is created and if it fails the err argument will be populated but the session will be open and valid.

Retrieves the list of currently opened sessions for this log engine. Could be empty.

.getOpenedSessions() : FileSession[];

Retrieves the list of log sessions that were closed. Could be empty.

.getLoggedSessions() : String[];

Retrieves the path of the log session directory where log records will be written.

.getStorageUri() : String;

Notifies a callback when the log is idle, that is when there are no more open log sessions. May be called immediately (on the next tick) if there are no open sessions.




Emitted when the log is opened and ready for use. The err parameter will be populated if there was problem while verifying the storage path passed to the constructor, in which case the system's temp directory will be used as storage location.

function (

Emitted each time the last open child session is closed.

function (


This class is part of the low-level API and normally shouldn't be used directly, but only via LoggedHttpApp and LoggedHttpAppRequest.

var FileSession = require( 'Logging/FileSession' );



Opens a new FileRecord in the session. The record will be writeable immediately but the writes will be buffered until the file is actually opened when they will be flushed.

	callback:function( err:Error|null, record:FileLog|null )|undefined
) : FileRecord;
Argument Description
props A list of properties or labels for the record.
callback A function to be notified when the record is opened and ready for use (or when an error prevented this from happening).

Retrieves the file log instance associated with this session.

.getLog() : FileLog;

Retrieves the session meta information. The format is according to the specs.

.getMeta() : Object|null;

Retrieves the id of the session. The id is the same as the directory name.

.getId() : String;

Retrieves the properties that describe the session.

.getProps() : Object|String[]|null;

Retrieves the full path of the session directory.

.getStorageUri() : String;

Retrieves the list of currently open records in this session. Could be empty.

.getOpenRecords() : FileRecord[];

Retrieves the list of past records, that is records that were closed. Could be empty.

.getLoggedRecords() : String[];

Associates a token with the log session.

) : this;

Stores custom user data in the log session meta. Accepts either key and value or a mapping of keys and values.

) : this;
) : this;

This is a convenience function for opening a record, writing a piece of data in it and closing the record. It just uses the other APIs of the class to achieve this. The data parameter is the data to be written, the other arguments are passed directly to .openRecord().

If props are not passed, they will be autodected based on the data type, e.g. if it is Error or Object.

	callback:function( err:Error|null )|undefined
Argument Description
props A list of properties or labels for the record.
callback A function to be notified when the record is opened and ready for use (or when an error prevented this from happening).

Notifies the specified callback when the session becomes idle, that is when there are no more open records. If there are no open records the callback will be called immediately (upon next tick).


Closes the session. The session will not be closed while there are still open records and they will not be forcefully closed. This module will close everything opened by it when the application is closed, but the user is responsible for closing any records he/she opened manually. This function will actually invoke .wait() and continue when all the records are closed.

	callback:function( err:Error|null, session:FileSession )|undefined



Emitted when the session is successfully opened and ready for use. Since a 'meta' record will be created upon opening the session, the callback will be invoked after the record is created and if it fails the err argument will be populated but the session will be open and valid.

function (

Emitted if an error prevented the session from opening.

function (

Emitted if an error prevented the session meta record from being written.

function (

Emitted every time the last open record of this session is closed.

function (

Emitted after the session was closed. Since a 'close' record will be created upon closing the session, the callback will be invoked after the record is created and if it fails the err argument will be populated but the session will still be closed.

function (


Used to link the session to other sessions.

var LinkedToken = require( 'Logging/LinkedToken' );



  • LinkedToken.Type.LOGSESSSION
  • LinkedToken.Type.EXTERNAL


  • LinkedToken.Relation.PARENT
  • LinkedToken.Relation.CHILD
  • LinkedToken.Relation.SIBLING



new LinkedToken(


Retrieves the type of the token.

.getType() : LinkedToken.Type;


Retrieves the relation of the token to the session.

.getRelation() : LinkedToken.Relation;


Retrieves the value of the token.

.getValue() : String;


This class is part of the low-level API and normally shouldn't be used directly, but only via LoggedHttpApp and LoggedHttpAppRequest.

var FileRecord = require( 'Logging/FileRecord' );



Writes a chunk of data in the file and notifies a callback when the data is flushed to the disk.

	callback:function( err:Error|null )|undefined

Retrieves the id of the record, it is the same as the file name within the session directory.

.getId() : String;

Retrieves the full path of the underlying file of this record.

.getUri() : String;

Notifies the specified callback when the record becomes idle, that is when all data from previous writes is flushed to the disk. If there are no pending writes the callback will be called immediately (upon next tick).


Closes the record. The user is responsible for closing all manually open records. Not closing them may result in the inability to close the application and waiting forever.

	callback:function( err:Error|null, record:FileRecord )|undefined



Emitted when the record is successfully opened and ready for use.

function (

Emitted if an error prevented the record from opening.

function (

Emitted every time the last chunk of data queued to be written is flushed to the disk.

function (

Emitted after the record was closed.

function (

Deferred logging

Three classes are implemented for deferred logging. These are DeferredLog, DeferredSession and DeferredRecord. They are analogous to FileLog, FileSession and FileRecord and actually wrap them. Deferred logs serve two purposes:

  1. To provide convenient synchronous API - unlike the underlying file sessions and file records, the deferred sessions and records can be used immediately after the object is constructed and there is no need to wait for a ready callback. Operations will buffered and will be flushed to the disk as soon as the directory is created or the file is opened.
  2. To reduce clutter and improve performance - opening a deferred session or deferred record will not actually write anything to the disk until the first time some data is written in a deferred record. After the first write the session and the record will be created on the disk.

These classes expose mostly the same API as their underlying file classes and should be able to replace them without changing the logic. But the opposite may not be always possible - since the file sessions and records rely on a callback to notify the user when the resources are actually ready for use. If one is using the deferred classes in a synchronous manner, that is without the ready callbacks in the constructors or in the .openSession() / .openRecord() functions, replacing the deferred classes with file classes will result in errors.


This class is part of the low-level API and normally shouldn't be used directly, but only via LoggedHttpApp and LoggedHttpAppRequest.

This class exposes the same methods and events as the FileLog, except for .getStorageUri(). All callbacks and events will receive references to the DeferredLog and the wrapped FileLog can be accessed via .getLog() method. One should refer to the documentation of FileLog.

The class will emit 'Log.Opened' immediately. If you need to determine when the underlying FileLog was opened use the event Deferred.Flush.

var DeferredLog = require( 'Logging/DeferredLog' );


This class is part of the low-level API and normally shouldn't be used directly, but only via LoggedHttpApp and LoggedHttpAppRequest.

This class exposes the same methods and events as the FileSession. All callbacks and events will receive references to the DeferredSession and the wrapped FileSession can be accessed via .getLogSession() method. One should refer to the documentation of FileSession.

The class will emit 'Session.Opened' immediately. If you need to determine when the underlying FileSession was opened use the event Deferred.Flush.

var DeferredSession = require( 'Logging/DeferredSession' );


This class is part of the low-level API and normally shouldn't be used directly, but only via LoggedHttpApp and LoggedHttpAppRequest.

This class exposes the same methods and events as the FileRecord. All callbacks and events will receive references to the DeferredRecord and the wrapped FileRecord can be accessed via .getLogRecord() method. One should refer to the documentation of FileRecord.

The class will emit 'Record.Opened' immediately. If you need to determine when the underlying FileRecord was opened use the event Deferred.Flush.

var DeferredRecord = require( 'Logging/DeferredRecord' );


  • For some reason LOG_ALL_ON_ERROR is much slower than LOG_ALL. Need to profile.
  • Right now LoggedHttpApp.close() closes the server and if there are unflushed deferred records and they are not of process of being flushed (i.e. there are no io operations in node's queue), node will exit and the logging will be lost. This is inconsistent because if there is opened record the app will not close until the record is closed.
  • Would be cool to have BlackHole logging classes.
  • Split docs into different files? This one is too long.


Borislav Peev (borislav.asdf at gmail dot com)