
Somehow GFM compatible markdown parser for JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Somehow GFM compatible markdown parser for Node.js and browsers.

This project was developed as supporting project for jsdocgen but can be used on its own.

Supported syntax


  • Reference links to headers: [Header text][] is the same as [Header text](#header-text) if no reference with this name is found.
  • ~~~ is also a code block.
  • [Internal link][^anchor-name] is a link to anchor in the document.
  • [^anchor-name]: places an anchor in the document.
  • This is ___underline___.
  • This is --strike through-- also.
  • Line breaks inside headers.
  • GFM line breaks are not respected. Always two trailing spaces and a newline to insert a line break.
  • \b will delete the previous character.
  • Additional escape characters: ~ < > / | and space and tab.


npm install https://github.com/Perennials/markdown-js/tarball/master
var Markdown = require( 'Markdown' ).Markdown;
var parsed = Markdown( 'markdown text', options );

options (with their default values):

  tableClass: 'table stripped',
  // Class attribute for table tag.

  thClass: 'text-left',
  // Class attribute for table > thead > th tag.

  tdLeftClass: 'text-left',
  // Class attribute for table > tbody > td tag to align the text left.

  tdRightClass: 'text-right',
  // Class attribute for table > tbody > td tag to align the text right.

  tdCenterClass: 'text-center',
  // Class attribute for table > tbody > td tag to align the text center.

  codeLangClassPrefix: 'lang-',
  // Class prefix for code blocks with specified language.

  codeDefaultLang: null,
  // Default language for code blocks.

  codeBlockWrapPre: false,
  // If to wrap code blocks with pre tag.

  codeBlockClass: 'block',
  // Adds a class name to the code blocks to be able to identify them from inline code.

  codeInlineClass: 'inline',
  // Adds a class name to the inline code elements to be able to identify them from code blocks.

  codeInlineTag: 'code',
  // Chooses a different tag for 'inline code'.

  codeBlockCallback: null,
  // Callback that can be used to style the the code in code blocks.
  // If used this callback is responsible for escaping HTML entities inside the block.
  // First argument is the text to be styled, second argument is the language of the text (if any),
  // third argument is the default language (options). Should return the new HTML.

  codeCallback: null,
  // Additional callback for code, can be used for further escaping. Will be called for both
  // code blocks and inline code. Accepts text and returns new text.

  noCodeCallback: null,
  // Callback to be used as extra parsing step after all markdown has been parsed. Will be executed
  // only for parts of the text that are not code. First argument is the text. Should return text.

  needParagraph: false
  // If needs to wrap the top level element in paragraph.

return value:

  html: '',
  // The produced HTML code.

  references: {},
  // All references used in the document.

  headers: []
  // All headers used in the document.



  • Added support for linking headers.
  • Added support for nesting of code inside lists and blockquotes.
  • Some performance optimizations.
  • Changed the API a little bit.
  • Fixed broken HTML in case if intersecting markdown.


First release for jsdocgen 0.8.


Borislav Peev (borislav.asdf at gmail dot com)