
Simple runtime stats collector for Node.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A module for collecting runtime stats and presenting (formatting) them properly.

npm install https://github.com/Perennials/stats-node/tarball/master



A class that collects runtime stats, each having a unique name.

Stats can have an unit assigned to them so they can be formatted accordingly. Formatting functionality is provided for time and byte units.

var Stats = require( 'Stats' );

Nesting and summing timers:

var stats = new Stats();
for ( ... ) {
	// measure the sum of the time of all calls to func2()
	stats.addTimer( 'My.Inner.Thingie' );
// measure the time taken for the for last loop (not the sum)
stats.saveTimer( 'My.Outer.Loop' );

console.log( stats.getStats() );

Timers and counting:

var stats = new Stats();
var slowestSQL = null;
var slowestTime = 0;
for ( ... ) {
	perform_sql_query( sql );
	var last = stats.endTimer();
	if ( last > slowestTime ) {
		slowestTime = last;
		slowestSQL = sql;
	stats.addStat( 'SQL.Queries.Count', 1 );
stats.setStat( 'SQL.Slowest.Query', slowestSQL );
stats.setStat( 'SQL.Slowest.Timing', slowestTime );

console.log( stats.getStats() );

Named, async timers:

var stats = new Stats();
var sql = new Sql();

// we can use regular names (string, int) or objects
stats.startTimer( sql );
sql.execute( function () {
	stats.saveTimer( sql, 'SQL.Timing' );
	stats.setStat( 'SQL.Text', sql.getText() );

	console.log( stats.getStats() );
} );



Starts a new timer.

Nameless timers are stacked. I.e. you can call startTimer() again before the previous timer was flushed with endTimer() Each startTimer() call must be matched by a call to endTimer() or saveTimer(). This can be used only for synchronous applications.

Timers have millisecond precision.

Returns the timestamp when the timer was started (Date.now()).

) : Number;

Stops the timer started by the last startTimer() call.

Returns the elapsed time in milliseconds.

) : Number;

Stops the timer started by the last startTimer() call and saves its value to the list of stats.

stat is the name of the stat under which the timer value will be saved. The name parameter is passed directly to endTimer() and the return value is the same.

) : Number;
) : Number;

Stops the timer started by the last startTimer() call and adds its value to existing value in the list of stats.

stat is the name of the stat under which the timer value will be saved (added). The name parameter is passed directly to endTimer() and the return value is the same.

) : Number;
) : Number;

Writes a value in the list of maintained stats.

If such stat already exists it is replaced. stat is the name of the stat under which the timer value will be saved. unit is optional unit of the value. The list of known units that will be formatted properly includes b for bytes and ms for millliseconds.

) : mixed;

Adds to the value of existing property in the list of maintained stats.

If the property doesn't exist this is the identical to setStat(). This should be called only on scalable (i.e. int, float) stats. The also maintains the 'count' of how many times it was called, i.e. how many times a value was added, making possible to find the average (see getCount()).

stat is the name of the stat under which the timer value will be saved. unit is optional unit of the value. The list of known units that will be formatted properly includes b for bytes and ms for millliseconds.

) : mixed;

Retrieves the value of stored property in the list of maintained stats.

) : mixed|undefined;

Sets (or changes) the unit of a property in the list of maintained stats.

) : String;

Retrieves the unit of a property.

) : String|undefined;

Retrieves the 'count' of a stat in the list of maintained stats.

'count' means how many times addStat() was called for this property. The 'count' for stats created by setStat() is 1.

Returns 0 if the property doesn't exist.

) : Number;

Retrieves the average for a stat.

This is for stats that are made of several addStat() calls.

) : Number|undefined;

Saves the average value of a stat in a separate stat.

This is for stats that are made of several addStat() calls.

) : Number|undefined;

Retrieves the list of stats.

Stats that have an unit specified are formated accordingly to be more readable.

Supported units are:

  • b: bytes, formated as "1.5 MB", "2.12 KB", etc.
  • ms: milliseconds, formated as "1.123456 s", "3 minutes 1 second", "5 days 3 hours".
  • other units are just appended with a space to the value.

Returns a mapping where the key is the name of the stat and the value is its value.

) : Object;

options can be given to specify the formating of known units. It can be an object like

	Bytes: Object,
	Time: Object

The defaults are comming from Stats.DefaultFormatting. Bytes is passed to FormatUtils.formatBytes() and Time is passed to TimeUtils.timeAgoFormat().


A collection of static methods for formatting units and similar. This is used internally by the Stats class.



Converts a size in bytes to a bigger scale of bytes (e.g. KB, MB, etc). The scale will be automatically determined.

) : String;

options takes the following format:

	// sprintf style format string, defaults to FormatUtils.DefaultFormat.Bytes
	// it will receive two arguments- one float and one string for the unit.
	// The default format is '%01.2f %s'
	Format: String,

	// force an output unit
	// for IEC it could be 'B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB'
	// for SI it could be 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'
	ForceUnit: Boolean,

	// whether to use SI (1000 bytes in KB) units or IEC (1024 bytes in a Kib)
	// this will be infered from ForceUnit
	UseSi: Boolean



A collection of static methods for formatting time. This is used internally by the Stats class.



Returns the time difference between two dates as formatted string.

For example 1 year 2 months, 1 minute 3 seconds, 10 hours.

If date1 is omitted the number of milliseconds repsented by date2 will be treated as the difference between date2 and date1.

) : String;

options takes the following format:

	// If false the return value will contain only the most significant time unit (i.e. short format).
	Precise: Boolean,

	// sprintf format string for long format. The default is '%d %s %d %s'.
	LongFormat: String,

	// sprintf format string for short format. The default is '%d %s'.
	ShortFormat: String,

	// This provides support for translating the time interval names.
	// The defaults are 'year', 'month', 'day', etc. If 'short' is passed the default will be 'y', 'm', 'd', etc.
	Strings: Object|'short'

Returns the time difference between two dates as array.

For example [1, 'year', 2, 'months'], [1, 'minute', 2, 'seconds'], [10, 'hours'].

If date1 is omitted the number of milliseconds repsented by date2 will be treated as the difference between date2 and date1.

) : String;

options takes the following format:

	// If false the return value will contain only the most significant time unit (i.e. short format).
	Precise: Boolean


Borislav Peev (borislav.asdf at gmail dot com)