
oh-my-zsh pwp plugin

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

pwp - present working path plugin for Oh My Zsh

The pwp plugin provides a convenient way to display the present working path in the terminal prompt and lists the current working directory along with its parent directories. Additionally, it includes a custom command .. to navigate to parent directories easily.


  • List current working directory and its parent directories.
  • Navigate to parent directories using the .. command.



Oh My Zsh should be installed on your system.


  1. Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/ttkalcevic/pwp.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/pwp
  1. Add plugin to your ~/.zshrc
  # ... other plugins
  1. Apply changes
source ~/.zshrc


Display current and parent directories

Use the pwp command to display the current working directory and its parent directories:

$> pwp
*: /Users/tomislav/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/pwp
1: /Users/tomislav/.oh-my-zsh/plugins
2: /Users/tomislav/.oh-my-zsh
3: /Users/tomislav
4: /Users
5: /

Navigating to Parent Directories

Present working directory (pwd) is listed first (*:), its parent is listed under 1 (first parent), and so on. Root is listed as 5.

Use the .. command (which is also part of this plugin) followed by the number of parent directories you want to navigate up. For example, if we want to navigate to /Users/tomislav/.oh-my-zsh we need to type in

$> .. 2
$> pwd


You can customize the appearance and behavior of the pwp plugin by modifying the pwp plugin file (pwp.plugin.zsh) located in ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/pwp.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please create an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

This plugin is "newer version" of my bash function that I created way back. Read more about on Medium - Bash and directory positioning