- abouillotFrance
- andrethemacBelgium
- atrent
- BatilanNetherlands
- buyenneKreuzlingen
- cbroberg@webhousecode
- cedricpFrance
- Cypherke
- DefProcDefProc Engineering
- euricojardimMadeira, Portugal
- Frankz
- gonzalocasasETH Zürich, Institute of Technology in Architecture
- gskorupaEXPERIOT Grzegorz Skorupa
- gvsrini
- harnouxParis
- jhcloos
- kritalGlobal
- marcobrianzaMilano
- mayginne
- mdroberts1243
- mvandervoortICR3ATE - Getting Things Prototyped
- mvdswaluwMijdrecht, The Netherlands
- pgh70Greater
- relyd
- Sterillium
- sulzbachFranken.Tech
- symeonmattes
- systronixSystronix Inc
- tho-waSAP SE
- torbenpedersenHouston, TX
- tuupolaKakotron Oy
- willem4everde Kwakel, Nederland
- wpsteak
- xneo1Greece
- ysoyipek@iora-tech