
Custom userChrome for Firefox to minimize the space used for url and tab bar

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Custom userChrome for Firefox to minimize the space used for url and tab bar:

Working as of Nov. 6th 2022: Firefox 107.0b8 on Fedora 36 and 106.0 on Manjaro.

Prerequisites & Setup

Go to about:config and set toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to true

browser.compactmode.show should also be set to true and enabled (see: Ghacks article)

After doing this, Firefox will try to load userChrome.css from the chrome folder inside your FF profile.

Use about:support to find the path to your profile folder. Example: /home/USERNAME/.mozilla/firefox/abc1234.dev-edition-default/chrome/


Feel free to use a theme of your choice with these styles.

Tested with the default themes (light, dark, alpenglow) as well as a Nord theme (used in the screenshot above, source).


This stylesheet is based on: