
A nifty script that can pipe out audio from a discord voice channel to your local storage. A discord voice recorder!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Voice Recorder

A Discord.js script which can record voice calls. Summon the bot to a voice channel, and voilĂ ! the audio is piped right into your local machine. Jump to Installation & Usage to get started.


Note: Recording voice calls without prior consent violates privacy. Do not use this bot without approval. I'm not responsible for your insanity.

Installation and Usage

Clone the repository :

git clone https://github.com/chebro/discord-voice-recorder/

Create a discord bot if you don't have one already and invite the bot to your server, then:

  1. Create config.json file and a /recordings directory at the root folder.
  2. Paste the bot token (from developer window) and any bot prefix into config.json, like so:

You can run the script in any of the following two ways:

Run Locally

  1. Run npm i to download necessary node_modules.

  2. Run npm start.

The bot should be online.

Run in Container

  1. Build the docker image:
docker build -t dvr .
  1. Bind /recordings directory on host to container and start the container with a custom name:
docker run \          
  --name <CONTAINER_NAME> \     
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/recordings,target=/usr/src/bot/recordings \

The bot should be online.

Bot Commands

  • Start Recording : <PREFIX>enter <VOICE_CHANNEL_NAME>

  • Stop Recording : <PREFIX>exit

Managing the Output

The output for each piece of audio stream is written to a unique file in PCM format (48000 Hz, signed 16-bit little-endian, 2 channel (stereo)) and saved in the /recordings directory organized by user id (/recordings/<USER_ID>/).

Merge Recording

To merge the output files, run:

node /bin/merge.js

This will merge each user's audio clips into a single pcm file (/recordings/<USER-ID>.pcm) with all the proper delays to make all output files line up.

Note: Empty your recordings folder after each session. Running ./bin/merge.js otherwise will dump large merge files.

Convert the Merged File to MP3

Head over to FFmpeg.org, and download executables for your OS; If you're on Windows, double-check if the FFmpeg bin is on your path. As discussed in issue #3, to convert pcm to mp3, run:

ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 -i merge.pcm out.mp3


Special thanks to @eslachance for the gist. It is what inspired me to make this repo.


In my fork of the repo, I plan to add a few features:

  • Multi-User support
  • Merge directly into more portable audio formats (.wav)
  • ~~Possibly use the slnt RIFF chunk in wav to allow for longer recordings ~~

slnt chunk is not supported by ffmpeg, and so I will not be implementing this

  • Automatically merge outputs after finishing a session
  • Handle the exception that occurs when someone is in the middle of talking, and the exit command is called.