The presentation service is a thin wrapper around redis for doing joins via in place string replacement on request.
The presentation service is a node web-server that requires a redis instance as a backing database (or that runs off process memory for testing purposes). It also come bundles with a node js based javascript sdk for making requests to a presentation service instance.
The server is started from server.js
. There is an example configuration of the web-server in config/default.js, which is imported using node-config.
Running the web-server locally
First, build the presentation service docker image using
docker build .
which will output the #presentationServiceDockerHash
In order to actually run the presentation service a redis instance must already be running. To run a local instance of redis in a docker container that will work with the example config, run the following commands to set up a redis container linked to a presentation service instance:
docker run --name redis -d redis
docker run --name presentation-service --link redis:redis -d #presentationServiceDockerHash
After installing with npm install -s presentation-service
, use
var ps = require('presentation-service')('<web-server-url>');
where <web-server-url>
is the url of a hosted presentation-service, this will expose a number of functions
put: (key, value, cb) => void
- Sets value at keydel: (key, cb) => void
- deletes the value at keyadd: (key, score, value, cb) => void
- adds value to the list at keydel: (key, cb) => void
- deletes the value at keyrem: (key, value, cb) => void
- removes the value from the list at keyget: (key, cb) => void
- gets the value at key, hydating any placeholders. If the value is a list it will return it in the form[<val1>,<val1>,..]
etc are the hydrated values in the list.
The keys of that are used in the presentation-service must be prefixed by an api-version else as that determines what code is used to process it e.g. /v1/cat
it processes with api version v1
The general format of a place-holder is ${<resource>}
where <resource>
is normally just the key for the value, however a resource can have the following format
Here square brackets denote optional parameters and angle brackets denote parameters.
A resource of this form will output the value of the <key>[,<prop_1>,<prop_2>..]
if it is successfully retrieved otherwise it returns <default>
if it is given or an error message. Furthermore if the value at <key>
is JSON then what is returned is the value found when you pick the prop_1
field from that json and the prop_2
from that and so on.
for example given that { foo: { bar: "hoot" } }
is saved at '/v1/key', then /v1/key,foo,bar
will return "hoot"
and /v1/key,foo,car;woot
will return "woot"
To query a range of items from a list, append the url with [<min>|<max>]^<limit>
. For example /v1/nationals-live/6679834[1|2]^1
All parameters are optional.
#Contributors Dayo Adeyemi
publish latest version to npm docker build -t trinitymirror/presentation-service:version . docker push trinitymirror/presentation-service:version update the presentation version in /live-centre/live-centre-launcher/config/default.json deploy the live-centre env bitbucket trigger
All these steps are now done automatically by Jenkinss