
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/ubproxy

Primary LanguagePython




If you are running some standard Ubuntu (e.g. with the Unity UI) then first have a look if configuring it via the standard UI already solves your problems.

(This version is an already heavily improved from the 2015 https://code.google.com/p/ubproxy/ version)

An inevitable tool to configure proxy-settings in universities and office environments. Eliminates repetitive editing of system files prone to manual errors.

(Gnome)GUI for updating various default Ubuntu proxy aware "places" all included as plugins:

  • standard application / places (Plugin):
    • /etc/environment standard (PluginEtcEnv)
      • http_proxy=http://myproxy:8080, HTTPS_PROXY=..., ... (upper and lowercase)
    • Bash standard: /etc/bash.bashrc (PluginBashRc)
      • similar to above but with export prefix
    • Shell Env (currently running): e.g. invoked via /bin/bash or CTRL+T (Terminal) (PluginEnvThis)
      • similar to bash above
      • does only report on the current settings but NOT change them! (may be a future enhancement)
    • Apt: /etc/apt/apt.conf (PluginApt)
      • Acquire::http::proxy "http://myproxy:8080" ...
    • Gnome settings: gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.system.proxy (PluginGsettings)
    • Java Runtime Environment (default): /etc/alternatives/java (PluginJavaAlt)
      • it's JAVA_HOME/lib/net.properties, e.g. java.net.useSystemProxies=..., http.proxyHost=..., https.proxyHost=... properties
  • individual tools (not making use of the above settings, at least in certain environments or versions)
    • Tomcat 8: /etc/default/tomcat8 with -Dhttp.proxyHost=myproxy -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 ... (PluginTomcat8)
    • Hale Studio: <hale-studio>/workspace/.metadata/.../....prefs (PluginHale)
    • QGIS: /home/user/.config/QGIS/QGIS2.conf / proxyHost=myproxy ... (PluginQgis)
    • TOS (Talend Open Studio): TOS_DI*/configuration/.settings/org.eclipse.core.net.prefs ... (PluginTOS)
    • maybe your application by easily adding some new plugin

with this it covers all (4 first of the above) system places mentioned e.g. here:

GUI options


  • host: for all HTTP, HTTPS, FTP connections
  • port: for all the above
  • httpsProtocol: default: http ; used for env var setup above ; maybe sometimes it must be https
  • REMOVE button: to reset proxy (remove entries ; gsettings mode to 'none' ; java.net.useSystemProxies to false)

other features

  • backups dir: ~/.ubproxy.backups
  • logfile: /var/logs/ubproxy.log
  • outputting relevant setup (lines) of each plugin after setup or removal of the proxy settings to stdout and the log file
  • many easily adjustable parameters on top of ubproxy main file or some plugin files

download and install

  • download
  • optional: move to /opt for availability after restarts (may be prefix sudo if needed): mv /tmp/ubproxy* /opt

desktop shortcut

create it similar to this (if moved to /opt): ln -s /opt/ubproxy /home/user/Desktop/proxy-setup.sh

known issues

  • authentication support is not implemented for all plugins

  • some dconf related errors can be ignored (it seems related to calling gsettings with the user account instead of some sudo user): lines look like this: (process:3261): dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create directory '/root/.cache/dconf': Keine Berechtigung. dconf will not work properly.

  • by default all plugins are enabled although the plugins application (e.g. Tomcat) may not be present or unique: this may lead to recoverable error messages

    • one can disable such plugins by simply renaming them using a _ prefix, e.g. plugins/_PluginJavaAlt.py
  • see also issues

test current proxy setup

test setup

hint: if you change the proxy settings via ubproxy (which is based on python), it will display the same data via stdout and in the logs for all plugins. In a future version this could be available without touching the proxy settings and thus replacing/extending the functionality of the ubproxy-status.sh (which is based on shell) below.

to check in all the 6 "standard" above "system places" you can execute sh /opt/ubproxy-status.sh (or wherever you installed it) the output could be similar to this:

$ /opt/ubproxy-status.sh 
++ echo -e '\n'

++ update-alternatives --query java
++ grep 'Value: '
++ sed 's/Value: \(.*\)\/bin\/java/\1\/lib\/net.properties/'
++ xargs cat
++ egrep -i prox
# For now, only the various proxy settings can be configured here.
# Whether or not the DefaultProxySelector will default to System Proxy
# specific proxy settings
# Note that the system properties that do explicitely set proxies
# (like http.proxyHost) do take precedence over the system settings
# even if java.net.useSystemProxies is set to true.
# Proxy configuration for the various protocol handlers.
# DO NOT uncomment these lines if you have set java.net.useSystemProxies
# HTTP Proxy settings. proxyHost is the name of the proxy server
# (e.g. proxy.mydomain.com), proxyPort is the port number to use (default
# value is 80) and nonProxyHosts is a '|' separated list of hostnames which
# should be accessed directly, ignoring the proxy server (default value is
# http.proxyHost=
# HTTPS Proxy Settings. proxyHost is the name of the proxy server
# (e.g. proxy.mydomain.com), proxyPort is the port number to use (default
# value is 443). The HTTPS protocol handlers uses the http nonProxyHosts list.
# https.proxyHost=
# FTP Proxy settings. proxyHost is the name of the proxy server
# (e.g. proxy.mydomain.com), proxyPort is the port number to use (default
# value is 80) and nonProxyHosts is a '|' separated list of hostnames which
# should be accessed directly, ignoring the proxy server (default value is
# ftp.proxyHost=
# Gopher Proxy settings. proxyHost is the name of the proxy server
# (e.g. proxy.mydomain.com), proxyPort is the port number to use (default
# gopher.proxyHost=
# gopher.proxyPort=80
# Socks proxy settings. socksProxyHost is the name of the proxy server
# (e.g. socks.domain.com), socksProxyPort is the port number to use
# socksProxyHost=
# socksProxyPort=1080
# when proxying HTTP or HTTPS.  For example, "Basic" results in effectively the
# schemes that will be disabled when tunneling HTTPS over a proxy, HTTP CONNECT.
# The 'jdk.http.auth.proxying.disabledSchemes' property lists the authentication
# schemes that will be disabled when proxying HTTP.
++ echo -e '\n'

++ cat /etc/bash.bashrc
++ egrep -i prox
export http_proxy="http://myproxyhost:8080"
export ftp_proxy="ftp://myproxyhost:8080"
export https_proxy="http://myproxyhost:8080"
export HTTP_PROXY="http://myproxyhost:8080"
export FTP_PROXY="ftp://myproxyhost:8080"
export HTTPS_PROXY="http://myproxyhost:8080"
++ echo -e '\n'

++ cat /etc/environment
++ egrep -i prox
++ echo -e '\n'

++ egrep -i prox
++ cat /etc/apt/apt.conf
Acquire::http::proxy "http://myproxyhost:8080/";
Acquire::ftp::proxy "ftp://myproxyhost:8080/";
Acquire::https::proxy "http://myproxyhost:8080/";
++ echo -e '\n'

++ set
++ egrep -i prox
++ echo -e '\n'

++ gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.system.proxy
org.gnome.system.proxy use-same-proxy true
org.gnome.system.proxy mode 'manual'
org.gnome.system.proxy autoconfig-url ''
org.gnome.system.proxy ignore-hosts ['localhost', '', '::1']
org.gnome.system.proxy.ftp host 'myproxyhost'
org.gnome.system.proxy.ftp port 8080
org.gnome.system.proxy.socks host ''
org.gnome.system.proxy.socks port 0
org.gnome.system.proxy.http host 'myproxyhost'
org.gnome.system.proxy.http port 8080
org.gnome.system.proxy.http use-authentication false
org.gnome.system.proxy.http authentication-password ''
org.gnome.system.proxy.http authentication-user ''
org.gnome.system.proxy.http enabled true
org.gnome.system.proxy.https host 'myproxyhost'
org.gnome.system.proxy.https port 8080
++ echo -e '\n'

test directly: Terminal

the output of wget http://duckduckgo.com -O /tmp/wget-proxy-test.html (likely in a new Terminal with CTRL + ALT + T) should be similar to this:

--2020-07-31 11:13:06--  http://duckduckgo.com/
Auflösen des Hostnamen »myproxyhost (myproxyhost)«...
Verbindungsaufbau zu myproxyhost (myproxyhost)||:8080... verbunden.
Proxy-Anforderung gesendet, warte auf Antwort... 301 Moved Permanently
Platz: https://duckduckgo.com/ [folge]
--2020-07-31 11:13:06--  https://duckduckgo.com/
Verbindungsaufbau zu myproxyhost (myproxyhost)||:8080... verbunden.
Proxy-Anforderung gesendet, warte auf Antwort... 200 OK
Länge: 5403 (5,3K) [text/html]
In »»/tmp/wget-proxy-test.html«« speichern.

/tmp/wget-proxy-test.html         100%[==========================================================>]   5,28K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2020-07-31 11:13:07 (929 MB/s) - »/tmp/wget-proxy-test.html« gespeichert [5403/5403]

test directly: Browser Firefox

Opening http://www.duckduckgo.com should work. make sure it's not coming from the local browser cache => press CTRL + F5 or similiar to ensure it

test directly: Java

use java ProxyTester <URL>, e.g. java ProxyTester http://www.duckduckgo.com which should output something like this if the setup works:

supply HTTP or HTTPS url as param
header fields:{null=[HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently], X-Cache=[MISS from lnx-proxy01], Server=[nginx], 
Connection=[keep-alive], Date=[Thu, 30 Jul 2020 06:46:22 GMT], Via=[1.1 proxy01 (squid/8.8.8)], 
Strict-Transport-Security=[max-age=31536000], Cache-Control=[max-age=31536000], 
X-Cache-Lookup=[MISS from proxy01:8080], Expires=[Fri, 30 Jul 2021 06:46:22 GMT], Content-Length=[162], 
Age=[94138], Location=[https://duckduckgo.com/], Content-Type=[text/html]}

test directly: Tomcat or other Java application servers

put proxy-test.war containing a very simple servlet in your <tomcat>/webapps folder and test the proxy functionality e.g. like this http://localhost:8080/proxy-test/test?url=https://duckduckgo.com

release history


  • fix for PluginBashRc and PluginEnvThis (env cmd spaces removed: http_proxy = "..." etc. to http_proxy="...")


  • support/plugin for TOS (Talend Open Studio)
  • support for non-proxy hosts for all plugins


  • plugin concept added and existing functionality moved to plugins
  • further plugins added: Tomcat8, Hale Studio, Qgis
  • backup dir now ~/.ubproxy.backups (before .Ubuntu-Proxy)
  • logfile now /var/logs/ubproxy.log (before /var/logs/proxychangerlogs)
  • many easily adjustable parameters on top of ubproxy main file or some plugin files
  • outputting relevant setup (lines) of each plugin after setup or removal of the proxy settings to stdout and the log file
  • backup functionality fixed
  • various refactorings and enhancements
  • code prepared for non-GUI usage and cmd line param functionality (code separation)


  • gsettings support added
  • httpsProtocol GUI parameter
  • default JAVA/JRE support added
  • various fixes/refactorings


considering the google code from 2015 as v1.0.0