Provide a set of study guides for us in the new era
对研究人类「学习」的理论形成最小全局认识,尝试给处于新时代的我们提供一套学习指南。 引用国际学习科学学会(International Society of Learning Sciences)对“学习科学(Learning sciences)”这个新兴领域的定义:“Researchers in the interdisciplinary field of learning sciences, born during the 1990s, study learning as it happens in real-world situations and how to better facilitate learning in designed environments – in school, online, in the workplace, at home, and in informal environments. Learning sciences research may be guided by constructivist, social-constructivist, socio-cognitive, and socio-cultural theories of learning.”
- 以下内容均发布在issues:「待确认事项讨论」、「个人初步成果」、「个人探索信息报告」、「会议纪要」、「困难求助」(创建issue,issue需要加labels/milestone/assignee,参考GitHub 协作注意事项)
- 主要成果放在wiki
- 协作文档撰写指南
- 缩写规约
- 第一次会议:wisdomqin/Newbrain#5
- 第二次会议:
- 第三次会议:
- 第四次会议:
- 第五次会议:
- 第六次会议:
- 第七次会议: