
Feature Request: Please add the feature of Bold and Strikthrough rendering of text

prateekamana opened this issue · 10 comments

Thanks for the response Brett,
I just found Glow markdown reader today
And it achieves both strikethrough and bold somehow, I'm not smart enough to figure out how it exactly works or else I'd contribute, but it could be a cool feature right?

My md :

# TOHAPPEN [12-04-2022]

1. ~~Fix the tooltip bug no matter what. Try not to procrastinate until necessary~~
2. ~~Get FL Studio on Linux working and investigate the prospects of music production on linux~~
3. ❌ Make sense of Search Like Me with Bhavesh's Changes
> Couldn't do because I got tired by the end of the day and crashed early

Glow output :

mdless output :

Ah, I'm sorry I forgot my example doesn't have a bold text.

# TOHAPPEN [14-04-2022]
1. **Solve the trigger issue ASAP**
2. Make sense of Search Like Me with Bhavesh's Changes
3. Make a finger drumming plan
4. Make a piano learning plan


FYI, it may not be related but bold, italic and bold-italic also have a more general issue in that they seem to require newline, whitespace or punctuation before the open and after the close so it doesn't properly render legal markdown like
***x***inu ***i***s ***n***ot ***u***nix
xinu is not unix